African Flameback My loss is your gain


New member
I just purchased this African Flameback angel. He is in perfect health. He eats like a little pony. My problem is the pet store that I bought it from said it would work in my tank. It didn’t. My tank is too small and my other fish are too wimpy. This fish is not killing anything. It’s just my tank is too small (29 gallon cube). I’m sure this fish would be perfect in a tank with larger mates and or more space. This fish is 1 1/4” to 1 ½”. It’s coloration is nothing short or stunning! The pictures I took do not do this fish justice. It has electric blue highlights, the body is a deep indigo blue, it’s orange back is rich and bright. This fish is active and healthy. It’s just a little shy at first. I paid $53.24 inc. tax. I am looking for local sale only. I am not looking for profit first to offer what I paid for it, gets it. Miami(if you wanna drive) West Palm Beach to Fort Lauderdale Area.

Here is a few pictures of the fish:
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They are great fish... had one in my 65 tall, and it was a model citizen... didn't nip a single coral!
Left my clams alone, too!
Really? He always nipped once in awhile, but never saw him actually bite one. If I ever put together a couple hundred gallon setup, I may have to talk you into sellin him back to me! Although you're keeping such good care of him I'd probably let him enjoy your tank. And he's more beautiful than I remember!
Well chris, you know where to find me. I may even downgrade or something in the future, knowing that in the next 4 years or so my life will be changing (graduation, that whole real world thing, so just keep in touch.

Sorry for going off topic!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12512845#post12512845 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
Well chris, you know where to find me. I may even downgrade or something in the future, knowing that in the next 4 years or so my life will be changing (graduation, that whole real world thing, so just keep in touch.

Sorry for going off topic!

No worries about going off topic... Hey Eric If my Green chromis are still doing well in your tank you could add this flameback and we could keep shifting my fish to your tank and your coral to my tank and eventually have the same livestock in both tanks. LOL!

Lol I was considering taking him in, the only thing is that I already have two dwarf angels that, while they survive, I don't think they get along well as is, and since I added a Tomini Tang who is similar size, it's just another stick of dynamite, ready to blow... :(

If you can't find a home, I'll help figure it out.

BTW the chromis are doing great! Thanks again :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12563658#post12563658 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nivram
What do you feed him? Does he nip at any other corals besides clams?

I have not had him in a tank with any clams. Just live rock tube fans and small sps coral no nipping. just chases my sunburst anthias into corners.