The Mega is in the way and leaves a dead spot in the corner, I had both and sold off the mega and kept the corner overflows because being in the corner keeps then out of the way
Ok, sounds like I am going with the corner. I will have minimal flow through the overflow. just enough flow for the skimmer, filter, and fuge. The flow for the main tank will be the closed loop.
I have a 75g with mega. A friend has a 75g with corner. The corner makes aquascaping easier. I don't see an inherent advantage to the mega, but it's what I have, so I live with it.
FYI - I despise the megaflow in the middle of the tank. It makes aquascaping impossible, and it looks terrible. The statement that water is pulled from the bottom and center is absolutely not true - all of the water comes from the top. I'm going to have to go with a custom design or some other manufacturer in order to get a corner overflow. AGA/Oceanic - learn your freakin' lesson! How did you ever come up with this terrible design?
timespinner, you're right on. I was messing with my tank on the weekend, and I've come to the conclusion that the left side of my tank is hopeless, there's simply no room to do anything creative over there. If you have a choice, go for the corner!
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