Ahhhhh..... A place for a Ricordea Junkie!


Taken with flash...


Very nice to see this forum! I'll post some pics later on of some of my shrooms and ricordia.
PALMETTO: Where did you get that yellow? I want one!!!

<IMG SRC="http://www.palmettoreefs.com/images/ric_4317.JPG" width=500 height=600>
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That's cool! I want my tank 50% covered in florida ricordeas! The actinic visuals will be amazing! Do you keep other coral with your ricordea? Do you keep fish with them? I want to put 4 Banded pipefish in the (soon to be) ricordea tank, do you think they might get burns?
One other thing, what lighting is best for maintaining the colour of ricordea?

I'am running a MH (the bulb has been running for a year and will be replaced shortly!) and very soon a narva actinic, is this adequate?

What conditions provoke rapid multiplication?

Sorry for all the questions but you are a 'Ricordea Junkie' and you cannot buy experience!:D
Beautiful, steveweast! MORE PICS! I love the Red Yuma!


Reaper, they do seem to color up under MH- althought they thrive under PC and VHO also.

The colors seem to be brighter when they have been exposed to bright light, although if you put them in Acropora-level intensities they do not open much! :)

The best color I have seen is under my 250-watt Radiums. :)
Oh, and the most rapid multiplication comes from my razor blade.



Good lighting and water quality, and occasional brine/ mysis feedings will help them thrive and reproduce.

Haha, I knew I'd find you here Darren!! :p Those pics look familiar (the Powerpoint). That yellow Ricordea still amazes me. Looks awesome!
They can be successfully sliced many ways- in the picture I cut the "pizza" (cap) in about 6-8 slices. I now prefer to go with slicing the cap off, then slicing it in half, right down the middle of the mouth. This way, I have two "new" mushrooms very quickly- and the leftover stem grows out into another.

A piece with part of the mouth will form a new 'shroom much more quickly.

Palmetto said:
They can be successfully sliced many ways- in the picture I cut the "pizza" (cap) in about 6-8 slices. I now prefer to go with slicing the cap off, then slicing it in half, right down the middle of the mouth. This way, I have two "new" mushrooms very quickly- and the leftover stem grows out into another.

A piece with part of the mouth will form a new 'shroom much more quickly.


I do have one that I plan to "slice". It has two mouth's already. Can i just slice it in the middle and not at the mouth ? Then Can I further slice the mouth into two ? The ricordia is currently on a rock. Would I need to remove it from the rock ? or can I just place it in a container with tank water, rock with ricordia and slice away ? Also, what kind of blade did you use or recommend ?

Edit : This is the ricordia I plan on "slicing" :
Can we vote Darren off the forum!!:D I really have to learn to take better pics. I have a good camera.:(