Ahhhhh..... A place for a Ricordea Junkie!

Hey Bryan, that one on the bottom left looks really nice. Did you get my PM the other day? That one ricordia I got looks awesome! Deep red with a bright green outer ring and red mouth. Do you remember the light blue looking one I got? It actually looks more pink now. Any reds show up yet?

The one in the photo went to another member here on RC. I would love to see the photo of the red and green one. It looked good when you picked it up. I can only imagine how good it looks now. Tuesday is the day. Supposed to get Red and Dark Purple. We shall see. Give me a call and you can stop by.

If you get them, definitely hold me some! I posted in the main forum, but is this a yuma? Pretty sure it is, but not positive.

I can't see the photo because I am at work and they block the server you post your photos to. Can you just attach the photo the old way without directly linking?

I will hold you some good ricordias for you.

dang guys... nice rics. to tell u guys the truth a ricordia was my first coral ever! i got it for 50 cents since it was in the LR tank and on a teeny tiny peice of LR. i wonder how it got there :confused: anyways it later died off unfortunatly when my tank crashed due to evaporation. but anyways what iw as going to say is i had the shroom for a good 6 months, and yet it never really grew as much as i thouht it should nor did it ever have two mouths. any reason as to why it didnt multiply? also i ahve 2 shrooms now well actually more like 3 or 4, i fragged one of them and im scared if they are okay or not, but anyways, ive had them for about 2 months now and they still havent reproduced naturally. any tips on how to "force" them to split?
Ricordias prefer high lighting, but your standard mushroom does better in light shade from what I've found. Hey Bryan, here is a pic I just took of that ricordia. I didn't take a lot of time on it, so it's a little blurry. You can't really see the deep red that is, but it is really nice IMO. Looking forward to the next batch!
Awesome. I am glad it turned out to be dark red. For those of you asking what the heck Chet and I are talking about I will explain.

Ricordia loose some of their color when they are shipped. Some orange will look yellow, purple will look blue, gold will look pale orange and so on. After the ricordia has been in the aquarium for 3-4 weeks it gets its old color back if you have good water quality and lighting.

Chet was looking for a red one so I had a diver go looking for them. He and I were hoping this one was red. When it first arrived the color was dark orange with a red mouth. As you can see it is now red. So if you are looking for true colors. Ask how long the ricordia has been it the tank especially if you are buying gold or yellow.


Here's some more... I have frags ready to go of the blues and peaches... just say the word and I get the thrmos out for some trades...
Anyone know where to get Ricordea in or around Toronto area?
Mail order from the states won't work for me since I don't think it can get through the border....
palmetto, I know luminary was drooling for a yellow ricordia. Any chance you might be able to share one with him?
Max, love your different color ricordias. Too bad I don't really have anything to trade for them, as my tank is pretty new. I have some zoanthids that are brown on the outside and speckled yellow on the inside that glow orange under blue light. That's about it for fraggable items. In fact, everything I have in my tank are frags generously donated to me in the past month. A few days ago, I sliced the crown off a frilly mushroom in an attempt to frag it, but this morning, it was GONE from under the netting I put over it. Maybe the shrimp ate it.