Ahhhhh..... A place for a Ricordea Junkie!

found my mushroom

found my mushroom

I was cleaning the tank and found the piece of mushroom I sliced off. So, now it's back under a net on a rock. Anyone know how long I should leave the net on for it to attach? Would it harm the mushroom to leave it on for longer?

Camb, I know Bryan would disagree, but I say cut that ricordia you have, multiply it, and share the wealth! I figure it's one way nature designed ricordia and mushroom propagation: a rock or fish slices the ricordia, it floats along until it lands somewhere else, and a new colony forms.
Hey Bryan, this is Ricky from the coral club. I got a few ricordias from you at the last meeting and they're awesome. I did lose the blue one I bought behind my rockwork but I have an orange and a pinkish one that are doing great. That's the 2nd ricordia I've lost total(the other one I had bought from Rob a long time ago and it fell the day I got it) It's the stupid turbo snails knocking them off but anyways.... I really enjoy collecting these so I would like to get another blue from you and I would definetly be interested in any reds or yellows you get in as well.

BTW your website is looking great! You all should check it out! www.blowfishaquatics.com You ricordia junkies will go nuts! LOL

I have read alot about how to divide the ricordea, but what do you do with all the pieces? How do you get them to attach to a piece of rock? Do you rubber band the pieces onto the rock, or use another way to get them to attach. I am in the learning mode. Haven't bought any ricordea yet, but I soon will now that I found out they will live under my lighting.
I place them in a small tupperware dish that I place in an area with some current, but not quite enough to blow them out of the dish. I place small gravel for them to attach to, then superglue gel the gravel wherever I want without getting any glue on the shroom.




I luv me some ricordea!
Darren, the ones I got from you are doing great! Will buy more soon!

can you help me here

can you help me here

can anyone tell me what these are? they sort of resemble what you guys are showing, not nearly as nice though. just wondering what they were. I have them for about a year and there are about 30 polyps on the rock they seem to spread quickly.
T.I.A. Henry
They appear to be a burgundy Ricordea Yuma, thought it is a bit hard to tell in the pic.

This is a pic of some burgundy Ricordea Yuma:


Darren Walker
Palmetto Reefs
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Thanks Darren

Thanks Darren

here is another pic that will hopefully allow you to see them better. they are more like orange/ light brown color with lime green mouths and they spread very fast. they also have a very powerful sting, I once dropped a sps frag I was trying to place in the rockwork on them and needless to say that was it for the frag. always wondered what type of mushrooms they were as they did not look like my others. thanks Henry
I'd have to say that they are ricordias. ricordias will dominate in a stinging battle againsts SPS... I lost a nice purple rim cap to my blue ricordias about two weeks ago.
Yes, they are Ricordea Yuma and pack a nice sting that SPS are especially sensitive to!

They will appreciate some meaty foods like mysis or brine shrimp, sometimes they will fold up over it if you don't have fish that grab it first.


Darren Walker
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I am not convinced it is Ricordea yuma:

1. Ricordea do not multiply THAT fast, or they would not be that expensive;)

2. The tentacles seem rather too long and odd shape for a typical Ricordea yuma.
Wow this is going to be my fav thread too. Anyone want to trade? I got a solid neon green ricordia that I can trade. I'm looking for rare ricordia morphs or rare sps. If anyone is interested email me at isseym328it@aol.com and I can send a pic. Thanks!

Darren the blue ricordia rock is doing awsome in my tank =)
Oh yeah I also got a baby hot pink yuma for trade. it was on a rock with the mother. It's pretty small about 1 cm but pretty awsome as well. =)
I believe it is a yuma based on the oral disk. Yume in low light stretch thier polyps out to get light. The oral disk is elevated and surrounded by a ring of polyps. It is Yuma.

You should put those ricordias closer to the light... their bubbles will fatten up and you might be suprised with a color change (I bought some ricordias that were brown at the LFS and when I gave them good light they got a red rim, and green and white bubbles)
Bryan Thompson said:
I believe it is a yuma based on the oral disk. Yume in low light stretch thier polyps out to get light. The oral disk is elevated and surrounded by a ring of polyps. It is Yuma.


Correct on all points!


Darren Walker
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