AJ_Tsin's 47g Shallow Rimless Rebuild

Hey AJ, the pics really show the depth your getting with the rock and corals:thumbsup:.
What turnover rate do you have in there? My new build will have a 60x turnover if I have my return pump on max, but I think it will be more around 50x or so, it does sound like alot but a few mates on here have 45-100x turnover on their reefs and they say it works well for them.

I have no idea what my turnover is. Haven't really ever done the math. I actually just picked up a piece of plumbing that should increase it quite a bit. I currently have 2x elbows from the pump into the flex pipe. I just did it this way because of what PVC I had on hand and didn't have the right 3/4" to 1" male fitting.

I picked one up online the other day and plan on making the switch at next water change. The removal of these two 90 degree elbow essentially making an S right at the output on my return should increase the flow and alleviate some back pressure on the motor.

All I know for sure is I have lots of flow moving through my sump.

Corals are looking great AJ, tank seems to be coming along well. keep up the great work. P.S. can you ship me some of that Canadien Acro water? Seems to be a lot of great stick tanks up there in Canada.

I would offer to ship you some on my next water changed but I siphon the sandbed so it might backfire....

I'm just happy that I can make a one stop shop for all of my favourite SPS frag in the near future!

Keep up the good work!

Can you post your old reef compared to the new one?


Thanks Dan, glad to have a local swing by here. In several months once I am ready to sell some stuff I will let you know.

Here is a comparison to the old build. A bit less rock and more sand bed. And less contrast and saturation lol.

Different light combo means different colors. Seems like my increased feeding, lower PAR, addition of actinics and overall more Xtra and CV have made an impact.

Here are a handful of shots from this evening.






Also happy to report the Vivid's Rainbow Delight is starting to show some color progress:

Added these guys a while ago.

Reef Raft Ultimate Rainbow Rasta

Lastly the Elusive (Super controversial right now over at clay-boa) Jawdropper is looking more and more bad *** every day.

I officially accept the challenge to color this guy up as it seems no one out there with a piece has been able to...
It look awesome man, how many SPS do you have in there? The jawdropper looks great already but can't wait to see it color up even more:D
They really do look better adrian!
Did the increase in feeding change any of your parameters?No3-po4?
How much did lower your par?
Sorry for the many ?'s:)

I wish you do manage to color up that beauty:)
It look awesome man, how many SPS do you have in there? The jawdropper looks great already but can't wait to see it color up even more:D

Nor can I, I think its on its way. Hoping to start seeing some blue tips soon.

They really do look better adrian!
Did the increase in feeding change any of your parameters?No3-po4?
How much did lower your par?
Sorry for the many ?'s:)

I wish you do manage to color up that beauty:)

Thanks! The extra feeding has not increased my testable nutrients, however there is a noticeable increase in film on the glass every few days and things look happier. Really I just need to add more fish, but I am waiting for a couple to show up locally.

I unfortunately do not have a PAR meter to test these levels I have been looking to borrow one locally. I can kind of just tell by keeping an eye on them.

No worries on the questions I am happy to answer.
Stopped by RR Canada again today. Got a few more frags. I won't be adding anything else for quite some time as the rock work is very full. Color on these should get better over the course of the next week or two, pictures were taken a few minutes after a dip and the trip home.


Reef Raft Canada Ultimate Orange Passion - An amazing even more colorful brother to the infamous Orange passion. Color is Ultimate.


Reef Raft Canada Pink Cadillac


Reef Raft Canada Shazam
Just checking in on the tank and Damn man if there was an all star team for acros I think you would have a winner =).. Very nice
Just checking in on the tank and Damn man if there was an all star team for acros I think you would have a winner =).. Very nice

Ha awesome thanks. Goal when setting up this rebuild was to stock some high end SPS. Seems to be doing alright in that regard.
Here a couple more shots from new additions yesterday. Side shots instead of top down.

Shazam seems to be settling down and polyps are coming out. Still looks a bit beat up but I think all will be well.


RR Canada Shazam


RR Canada Pink Cadillac


RR Canada Ultimate Orange Passion

Also Jay gave me this random piece. I was asking him about RR USA's D-Day and he suggested I take a piece of this to see if I can color it up. It seems to be same species and similar to D-Day but he's not sure if it is. Time will tell, looks like it could be a cool coral and potentially a future signature.


RR Canada Unnamed?
What's your personal favorite coral in this tank AJ?

RR Wolverine is my favourite by far it is equal amounts awesome, bad *** and beautiful all at once.

I also love RR Avengers, however the color is currently not the best on my Avengers, it is encrusting and moving along so hoping its just a phase.