"Alarming" Coral Reef Infection in Hawaii

I found it quite disturbing as well, but with so much development, it is to be expected. Air and water pollution is negatively impacting everyone. Global warming is drastically changing our air and ocean temperatures.

I immediately started looking at my sps in my tank and found some white areas that have gotten worse...mainly on the undersides where the light doesn't penetrate. The coral goby and a few of the fish annoy me when they dine upon some of them, too. I think I'll do a water change.
I wouldn't blame global warming as much, especially since it is mostly just part of the earths normal cycle and not caused by the increased levels of pollution caused by humans.
I know it is naive to say this. But of all the places where we could and should make a stand about allowing no pollutants to directly enter the ecosystem I think this is a good example of were the effort should be made.
If we start losing these sort of reefs the hobby will be all that is left and there will be a massive back lash against that same hobby. Justifiable or not.

I can't quite express how tragic I find this. We all know the world's reefs are in decline for many reasons. But for some reason this hits me harder.
I know it is naive to say this. But of all the places where we could and should make a stand about allowing no pollutants to directly enter the ecosystem I think this is a good example of were the effort should be made.
If we start losing these sort of reefs the hobby will be all that is left and there will be a massive back lash against that same hobby. Justifiable or not.

I can't quite express how tragic I find this. We all know the world's reefs are in decline for many reasons. But for some reason this hits me harder.

Agreed, its been a long slow downward spiral, with no end insight. The bad part of it is most of hawaii is on septic systems. There is no way that is good for the reefs when waste from the leech lines ends up in the ocean....

This is not the first time the earth has gone through this cycle, some reasearch will lead you to that information.

Yes, it is the first time temperature (and CO2) go up at the speed that they are going up now. Historically, change was much slower. Some research will lead you to that information.


Slower change (combined with the absence of fishing, pollution, etc) means that organisms can adapt and survive.

Faster change (combined with overfishing, pollution, etc) means that organisms will go extinct.
Yes, it is the first time temperature (and CO2) go up at the speed that they are going up now. Historically, change was much slower. Some research will lead you to that information.


Slower change (combined with the absence of fishing, pollution, etc) means that organisms can adapt and survive.

Faster change (combined with overfishing, pollution, etc) means that organisms will go extinct.

Cannot agree more.
^ Exactly. The people who think this is just natural change are those same people who ask the rhetorical questions seeking only the answer(s) they wish to hear ...

You think the burning of fossil fuels/CO2 production at these alarming rates isnt causing negative reactions, far above normal atmospheric cycles, within the environment ?!? Come on, wake up. Wake up.

It astounds me how some people can be so bluntly stupid, yet feel so empowered/knowledgable by that same stupidity
I was in Hawaii a few yearsback and there is allot of runoff from the fields planted near the bottom of the mountains and you can see the ocean near there with a thick brown color. The natural plantlife is being cut away for family farming. Unless something can be done te reefs will be no more.
You cannot tell me tue extreme weather changes are natural.. I live in Idaho, a supposedly cold weather state. When I moved here almost 20 years ago we had snow from November through April. Now? It snows maybe 2-3 times a year and it melts off by the end of the day. The local ski resort is almost bankrupt. This year we had the warmest summer in the history of our state. Such a dramatic change in such a short time frame can't be normal.
You cannot tell me tue extreme weather changes are natural.. I live in Idaho, a supposedly cold weather state. When I moved here almost 20 years ago we had snow from November through April. Now? It snows maybe 2-3 times a year and it melts off by the end of the day. The local ski resort is almost bankrupt. This year we had the warmest summer in the history of our state. Such a dramatic change in such a short time frame can't be normal.

You can't rule it out either, it's not like we've been keeping temp readings for the past 500 years, or more.