algae diff.?


New member
is there a difference (besides the color, obviously), between the different algeas in the seaweed selects, etc? the green, brown, they provide different stuff or what?thanks
Yes. These algae are very distantly related to one another--especially the Phaeophyta (brown algae). This difference results in different habits, nutrient absorptions, etc. just like any other set of different organisms. Each has different pigments, vitamins, etc. also, so it may be a good idea to present a variety in fish diets. Some fish even require certain forms of algae.
Yellows tend to feed on fleshier filamentous algae as well as macroalgae. I would say that they eat quite a variety, but green algae most likely predominates. If you absolutely must go with one type, start with green and try others as soon as you can.