Algae ID please


New member
I have some red fluffy algae in my reef tank.
Can somebody tell me what kind of algae it is and how to get rid of it. It is a real pest.
There are many filamentous reds, but that looks like something that has been discussed on several boards in the past: the sporophyte phase of the red alga

Asparagopsis taxiformis.

Here's a photo from Chris Lobban's site, showing both the frondose gametophyte and the filamentous gametophyte phases of the alga:


Here's some info

Do a search on the species in Ron's forum --I think there's stuff there from back when even Sanjay was tearing his hair out over it...
I have this in my fuge (red cotton puffs) it never made it to my main tank. I have been battling this stuff for months. every couple of days I pick out what I can see.Is there any other way to control this stuff. I'm at the point where I'm ready to rip everything out and start fresh.

Thanks John
Here's an old thread with some more information. This particular algae tends to be problematic with finding anyghthing that will eat it. I've also heard of mexican turbo's eating it as well as foxface's.