Algae ID please.....


New member
I have this growing in my tank and it is getting a bit out of hand. This is the best shot I can get of it sorry for the blurry pic. It has a green/silver hue to it. I have it REALLY growing around the base of one of my acro frags and have noticed it starting in other areas of the tank. Need to know if it is good or bad.


Thanks! :D
Yuck, we have been battling this stuff for well over a month now, some suggest an emerald crab might eat it. Jury is still out on that. We also have been sucking it out during water changes, slowly some grape caulerpa and halimeda have been coming back.
Be really careful because any loose pieces will attach itself elsewhere and grow quickly.
I had it (dicyota)growing like crazy and every time I tried pulling it by hand it would have pieces break off and they would attach and grow immediately.Dont know where it came from but I had a hitchhiker that looked like an emerald crab but only red and when he got big enough to come out he ate every last bit of it.That was about 8 mos ago and I havent seen any since.