algae on Zoas


New member
Could someone help me with this algae on my Zoa's? My tank has zero algae anywhere except this coral. When I bought this at a LFS, it didn't have it, but 4 months later this is what has grown on it. Could someone tell me what kind of algae it is and how to get rid of it. Water perimeters:

Temp 79
Alk 8.5
Cal 440
nitrates & nitrites 0
Phos 2
salinity 1.026

Do a search on Hydrogen peroxide dipping. I just dipped a few zoa's and algae was gone in a few days. I didn't have any ill effects. GL
+1 to the dip. It is quick and simple. I put mine in the dip for about 3 minutes.

Clears it right up!

Speaking of that, I am going to do some of mine this weekend.
i had the same problem with a frag like this, only algae on that one piece. my advice for you that worked for me is to take a bowl of your tank water out with your piece and pull off all the algae, i think alot of the problem was alot of junk was trapped in the hair algae infested area an feeding it. if you want to avoid the dippin :P

but hey ill consider that dip next time i never tried that.
As said earlier nothing works better than a hydrogen peroxide dip 1:10. Its very gentle on zoas and will remove all the algae. I've left them in the dip for a couple hours on accident and its fine.
Be careful with a 50:50 for 10 minutes. Usually I dip 25% HP to RO water, and 3-4 minutes max. Make sure afterwards you rinse the frag well in tank water to not burn the tissue. Also, make sure they are closed when you dip them.
Mine worked nicely.

I should have taken some before and after pics. I did 50:50 mix.
Be careful with a 50:50 for 10 minutes. Usually I dip 25% HP to RO water, and 3-4 minutes max. Make sure afterwards you rinse the frag well in tank water to not burn the tissue. Also, make sure they are closed when you dip them.

You are using FW to dip corals? Zoas should be fine but this would kill most anything else I would think?
I never do any exact measurements. I put the frag in a bowl of saltwater and pour in HP (the 3% stuff) until I can see some bubbling on the frag and pull it out after 5-10min. I estimate I'm adding 20-30% and would never attempt to do more than a 50/50 mix. When I do large amounts of dipping I do around 10% HP and leave the rock/frag in for up to an hour. When I am not dipping zoas or palys I am much more cautious.
I just did this last week with a small frag last week that was infested with hair algae. Clears up algae quick peroxide is amazing stuff.
Yup it was a bit nervous biting nail after dipped, it opens up good after 1-2 days.

I did 30% HP, 70% SW for 5-8 mins

I wonder if it works on SPS ?? Or will it kill SPS ?
That I dunno Jake, you might wanna ask the SPS guys on that... But if your just dipping the base of the SPS and the frag disk I doubt it would hurt it if your not fully emercing the SPS piece in Hdryo/water mix.