I've been studying this for year's and am glad it is getting some recognition. I've even been kicked off sites, for advocating this.
I just wish that the people on this thread would understand that there are people with space restriction's along with already purchase $200 light canopies.
Any hope in accommodating them or are we ignoring them like the ATS vs refuge?
srusso I love that trough design.
I am diffidently going to use it.
with this sump
and this space
and these light's
I hope everything will fit. I can always have the back hanging out a bit.
...Can I ask some question's and get a honest response in hopes to better this community in regard's to keeping a more natural tank? or are we pushing a product?
I really want to hook up a algae trough and have the confidence that it would work. mirror bottom?egg crate?canvas screen?pump size?angle?lighting?
any help or am I S.O.L
I'm just letting you know that I am here to learn and have no problem changing names and ip address's, to do so. all arrogance aside. same with me.
or am I another santa monica that need's to be ignored from the ats crowd??
...We can work together in small little thing's such as adding 8 cleaner shrimp's in a small 10G plumbed to our system's in order to add a very live natural egg food to our coral's etc with out striping it clean from skimmer's.
why can't we talk about this? o I forgot this is in the advance forum category accept it's labeled basic my apologies.
If I wanted to know the basic's I would go to the marine depot site. please take this thread and but it under just getting started or general reef discussion.
How come you don't manually prune to give the algae filter a leg up?
My brothers' Pulsing Xenia is doing better today...
...screw tread of the month, let's make it learn of the decade. screw the popularity contest it's a little stupid. imo I'm not here to sell you any thing or open a website etc I'm being honest.
remember me because I will be back to learn.
please take this off of the popularity contest so we can get back to basic's with some honest question's, that's my opinion. 1000 hours reading/1000 hours practice and counting.
why can't we be honest about hermit crab's and shrimp's and on how they prevent the rest of the smaller clean up crew from spreading and doing their job? our tank's our not the ocean.
o well should have paid every one attention because I would of if I was offering to help.
the serpent star slither's
I wanna say something really cool here but.... I tired but it was really hard.... :lol: in the end just yet another thing my scrubber is doing for me. I am sure some type of life benefits from them once being there now.
Here I found a good picture of what I was dealing with, the lower left of the xenia, they were everywhere.
At the time I was holding a xenia for my brother as he was having heater issues.
Heck we are all brain storming for Floyd's Ciclid build, Dogstar even made a CAD drawing for him! :lol:
I don't understand your reply. Maybe you did not understand my question, so let me re-phrase. Why don't you prune the algae in your tank to see if the algae filter will more quickly outcompete unwanted algae in the tank?
That was for importspeedman...just in case anyone is paying attention! Yeah I'm working on a build for a cichlid tank also, easy to get confused...
ok i see we are getting way off topic here...
The first picture is week three cleaning of my scrubber. Its really starting to green up. The second is after the cleaning and reinstalled.
I am very excited about the last three pictures because this is the newest addition to my scrubber family. This scrubber is 7" x 10" and is on my 20 long. It is a single sided screen design. Previously I did not have a sump for the 20 long but installed one so I could scrub this tank.
I think I am now addicted to ALGAE!!!!!!!!:spin2:
:frog:You could be an outstanding playground monitor!:frog:
Floyd r turbo in a breeding system, typically something set up by a non commercial person, many small tanks are used to house larva, juvenile fish and young adult fish. For example another reefer her on rc is breeding clowns. From one pair of clowns he had over 7 tanks dedicated to raising the babies of this one pair. granted not all of the tanks are on the same system. But the growout tanks were all linked together by a common sump. We are talking about anywhere from a few hundred to close to a few thousand baby clowns in relatively small aquariums. Thus creating a huge factory for waiste. It sound a like the ats would be perfect for this application, I was just curious if anybody tried it. A lot of water changes need to be done to keep up on water quality. Jusy thought maybe it would help with the amount if water changes that need to occur. There will always be a need for water changing in breeding just by the nature of the process.