A couple things to note on those bulbs.. The price comes up 4 for $7.97. Not 4 for $.97.
So, they're $2.00 a piece. Secondly the reviews are 1.6 stars out of 5. I suppose for our use that's good enough. They'll lose their intensity before the bulbs die I'm sure.
I should get the custom box for my ATS today and Will be posting my build pics possibly as early as tomorrow. I have the PVC cut and ready other than the slit for the canvas. I'll be glueing the PVC as soon as I am sure the box fits where I want it. I plan on using my over flow plumbing (just one of the overflows not both. ) My build cost more than I wanted it to, but, it should be a nice setup:
1. Dremel (to cut the pvc: $65)
2. PVC SUpplies, glue, and zip ties: $35
3. custom acrylic enclosure (assembled): $70-80
4. 3 X clamp on spot lights: (had one for my sump already) $38.00 with tax.
5. I didn't see the Bulbs that Srusso posted before I got mine. I paid $20.00 for a 3 pack of 23 W CFL flood light bulbs... Urrg!
Total cost so far is roughly $173.00 + 65 for the dremel. I separate them because the tool can't really be figured into the cost of the project as it will be useful for many other things.
I'm using Flex tubing (1") from my overflow drain to a ball valve so I can shut the ATS off for servicing (can also just turn the return off too...) and then running flex tubing to 1" PVC. Where it will have a slit for the canvas and drain into the acrylic box. I'll be drilling a hole and attaching a PVC bulkhead for the overflow back into the sump.
This is for a 125g with 30 gallon sump. I have a Eurobraced sump so, my current plan is to place the acryllic box on top of the sump with the overflow.
Once I get the Box hopefully today. I'll be able to post pictures with it assembled and then the waiting game to see how it develops starts. For nearly $200.00 I hope this works, I'm fairly confident it will. I could have done some things to make this cheaper, like assembling the acryllic box myself, would have saved me $30.00, buying cheaper bulbs could have saved around $15.00. So, I could maybe have gotten it close to $100.00.
Special thanks to Kdirk for sharing his design. I am building mine based on his (page 9, post # 221 of this thread). I'm modifying his design by using my tank's overflow.
And an additional special thanks to Srusso for sharing his ideas, time, and in guiding me to a design that would work for my setup.
My corals will be thanking everyone for the removal of phosphates very soon!