I always find these growth pics amazing. Even after a year of use now, I still only get mildly green and very slimy algae on my screen. No matter how long I let it go for either, just slimy brownish green algae.
I have mine setup as a box with 2 2W grow lights(you know those ones santa monica hates so much). The light are on a schedule opposite of each other, where one is on from midnight to 11 am, and hour break, then from noon to midnight on the other light.
I certainly have plenty of nutrients as my no3 and po4 measure 16 and .2 respectively.
I just have no idea why I only get this slimy snotty algae that just wipes off the screen, as opposed to nice lush green algae I see on most of these scrubber pics.
Right now I have no idea why I'm running a scrubber as it's pretty pointless. Display has plenty of algae growing, and none on my scrubber screen.