Alive & no bigger than fishing line


New member
I know this will be tough. I have growing in my fuge, numerous tiny little string-like things. They seem to be alive. Waaayyyyy tooooo small to photograph. So here goes with the best description I can give:
No thicker than a filament or thin fishing line.
Looks like a sweeper tentacle, but it's only attached to rock or my substrate not coral.
Along the entire length of the 'sweeper' are tiny (could only be measured by a micrometer) little 'filaments' about 1/128" long, hence making it appear like a sweeper.
The 'sweeper' retracts and extends. Seems to do this to 'catch' food?
It will extend up to approx. 3".
I took my net and gently moved it near the 'sweeper' and it quickly retracted (defense mechanism?).

These are numerous and don't seem to be harmful in any way. I wish I could get a pic but it would probably require a microscope to photograph it. Anyone have any ideas?

Thanx for the attempt. However, the entire length of the 'worm', 'filament', or 'sweeper' is no thicker than a strand of fishing line (like a 1 lb test at that). Those spaghetti worms are measurable compared to mine.

Any more attempts?
Try posting this on Dr. Ron's forum. You will have more luck there. Also try looking on his website (link posted on his forum in one of the sticky posts).

i think i've had one of these before. same discription. except mine was growing in a tube like a fether duster and it was on the back of a austria snail. but i dont know wut it was called.