ALK Levels


Premium Member
Where does everyone keep their alk at for good coral growth I'm dialing in a calcium reactor and want to keep it set right.....I currently have 8.3 that's about where I would keep my two part set too ....but I have heard some keep it higher and get crazy growth .....thanks
I believe that the alk in natural sea water is 7. I personally like to keep it steady at 9.

I like to mimic the ocean as much as possible in my system. The reason for 9 is that if it dips a little for any reason it will still be above 7.

I was told between 7 and 11 is ok. Also some people believe higher alk gives you better growth. I don't know if that's true though.

I have seen beautiful setups where absolutely nothing is tested for only alk. With that said, alk is the most important parameter in my system and the test I do most often.
I have mine at about 12 DKH, and staying right around there. I use Red Sea coral pro, and do 10-15% water changes weekly. I don't dose ALK at all, b/c it is high. My cal stays right about 450 ppm, and my mag 1440. All I do is water changes. I test twice a week. Seems to be working well for me. All my corals look healthy, and the few sps I do have look great. That red monti cap you gave me is growing a bit already too :D
I believe that the alk in natural sea water is 7. I personally like to keep it steady at 9.

I like to mimic the ocean as much as possible in my system. The reason for 9 is that if it dips a little for any reason it will still be above 7.

I was told between 7 and 11 is ok. Also some people believe higher alk gives you better growth. I don't know if that's true though.

I have seen beautiful setups where absolutely nothing is tested for only alk. With that said, alk is the most important parameter in my system and the test I do most often.

Well said