Alk problems need help!


In Memoriam
This morning I tested my Alk with Fastest and got 2.5meq/l it was my last test with that test kit so to double check I used my new Salifert test kit and got a Alk reading off the charts over 16 Dkh. The color never change until I added more reagent. I repeated that test again and got the same results. Now I am worried all this time I have been trying to boost my Alk for no reason. My Ca just tested at 435ppm. Ph= 8.0. How should I go about lowering that Alk. Will it lower all by itself over time if I don't add anything. Or should I use something becuase I don't want my coral to go into shock.
What alk value do you get when you measure the water change water? Also which brand of salt do you use?

That might help in possibly ruling out the option of large errors in test kit use or use of a faulty kit.
I use IO salt brand and when I tested my water change water I got the same results no color change after putting a whole syringe of KH reagent.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6916291#post6916291 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by meemmoo
I use IO salt brand and when I tested my water change water I got the same results no color change after putting a whole syringe of KH reagent.

That doesn't sound normal (assuming you didn't add anything to that water and use RO or RO/DI water).

- Bad batch of salt

- Wrong use of the kit (or contaminated test vial etc)

- Faulty kit

Are some of the possibilities.


Thank you for your help, I am going to confirm with a fellow reefers alk test to be sure.
Update: Tested Alk with a fellow reefer's Salifert test kit and got 3.77 meq/l or 10.6 dKH which lead's me to believe there is a problem with my test kit. I will check again tomorrow to confirm. So as of today my CA= 435ppm and my Alk= 3.77 meq/l or 10.6 dKH and my Mg=1430ppm. I would think these are ok, but need to figure out how to keep these levels. Since I did not dose today will they be all different tomorrow and should I still dose something to keep them balance. I have a total of 70g and I have been using B-Ionic. Any suggestions?
I would think these are ok,

Yep, those are fine. :)

I'd stat dosing equal part of B-ionic. Say 25 mL of each every day, and see what happens to alkalinity after a few days. :)
Last update: This morning I checked my levels again and noticed my Alk went from 3.77 meq/l or 10.6 dKH to 3.20meq/l or 9.0 dKH. My CA went from 435ppm to 420ppm. I used to dose my tank 30ml of part 1 and 2 and now I have 70g, do you think 25 would be enough or should I go back to dosing the 30ml? Also does that change overnight look normal or are my levels decreasing alot? Sorry for all the ?'s just want to understand this thing more.
One more question- Yesterday morning I dosed with 30ml of B-Ionic part 1 (Alk)and part 2 (CA). This morning my Alk went down again now it is 2.97 meq/l and my CA went down to 375ppm. My question is should I use the reef calculator to bring both of those level back up with different amounts of supplement, or should I be dosing the same amount of Alk and CA and just go up on the dose from 30ml?
I'd boost the calcium only with one big dose, then continue equal parts.

Don't try to chase calcium on a daily basis. Much of the change may be only testing noise. In reality it moves slowly. Much more slowly than alkalinity.
I have added 40ml of part 1 alk b-ionic dripping slowly now, Should I use the reef calculator? It says to use 192.5ml of b-ionic to get it back to 424ppm.