
Just ran across your thread,
I feel your pain brotha!
How's everything looking?
Any burned tips?

Just one milli looks a little bleached but everything else seems to be unaffected.

Just curious how old is the ph probe in reactor and when was the last time it was calibrated. I also use that method for my calcium reactor. The ph probe accuracy is very important for that method of tuning. You should calibrate probe every 4-6 weeks. Just a thought.

Good luck


I only calibrate about once a year. But, from time to time to do pull the probe from the reactor and put it in the sump to see if I get the same reading from both probes. Good thinking. I did that just now and both read the same when in the same chamber of the sump.

ALK reading today is back up to 14.5. I turned off the solenoid this time and will continue to monitor. Shooting for 9-10.
Two days later with the solenoid off and the ALK reading has dropped to 11dkh. I turned the solenoid back on and hopefully it will hold steady.
The roller coaster continues....

6/7: 12dkh, increased reactor pH
8/16: 5dkh, decreased reactor pH, dosed 150mL ALK supplement
8/21: 4.8dkh, decreased reactor pH, dosed 300mL ALK supplement
---Found needle valve closed---
8/22: 12dkh, increased reactor pH
8/23: 12.6 dkh, increased reactor pH
8/24: 13.2 dkh, increased reactor pH
8/26: 13.2 dkh
8/30: 14.4 dKh, increased reactor pH
9/1: 14.5 dkh, increased reactor pH
9/2: 13.8 dkh
9/6: 14.5 dkh, Turned off solenoid
9/8: 10.8 dkh, Turned solenoid back on
9/12: 12.6 dkh, increased reactor pH
9/13:10.8 dkh, increased reactor pH
9/16: 7.4 dkh, decreased reactor pH
----Found Broken bearing shaft in feed pump----
9/19: 8.0 dkh

I really could have done without the broken pump in the middle of
9/21 Update

9/21 Update

6/7: 12dkh, increased reactor pH
8/16: 5dkh, decreased reactor pH, dosed 150mL ALK supplement
8/21: 4.8dkh, decreased reactor pH, dosed 300mL ALK supplement
---Found needle valve closed---
8/22: 12dkh, increased reactor pH
8/23: 12.6 dkh, increased reactor pH
8/24: 13.2 dkh, increased reactor pH
8/26: 13.2 dkh
8/30: 14.4 dKh, increased reactor pH
9/1: 14.5 dkh, increased reactor pH
9/2: 13.8 dkh
9/6: 14.5 dkh, Turned off solenoid
9/8: 10.8 dkh, Turned solenoid back on
9/12: 12.6 dkh, increased reactor pH
9/13:10.8 dkh, increased reactor pH
9/16: 7.4 dkh, decreased reactor pH
----Found Broken bearing shaft in feed pump----
9/19: 8.0 dkh
9/21: 8.9 dkh