All black zoanthid


New member
Rare or somewhat common? Ive never seen one before in all my years. I purchased a large zoo rock from my LFS, had barely opened up but I saw some nice red ones so I snagged it. Once they opened there were a rainbow of polyps, including a few all blacks. I'm computer illiterate, so I don't know how to post a pic, but I could text or email the photo to someone that knows how.
I've tried photobucket and imgur and get this:

We're really sorry, but the iPhone does not support uploading files from Mobile Safari.
Photobucket has an app for the iphone, i use it to upload photos to rc. Just snap a pic of the all black zoas with your iphone. Download the photobucket app, and once open hit upload media. It will ask you where you want to upload from, select your camera reel and check the box next to your zoa pic and hit upload. Once uploaded go into the section of the app called my album and select the zoa pic. There will be a small cursive I as an icon. Click it and it will bring up link codes. Copy the image code and paste it directly into your post on rc and your done! I am really interested in this all black zoa btw
Do the black zoas also have white spots on them, like you're looking into the night sky? Because if they do, I'm driving to Idaho to take them Ninja style!! :lol2:

I can't confirm this, but I heard the all black zoas are from a protected area and aren't supposed to be imported. No idea if this is true.
Their are two kinds of black zoos on this rock. A few all black with a black mouth, and a few black with a tiny white dot where the mouth is.

My LFS said they came from Bali.. There are about 5 different zoos on a rock with about 100 polyps on it, it definitely came straight from the ocean, but I'm wondering if they pieced the different colonies together. I'll have to look at the bottom of the rock. Hope they aren't from a protected area!
Their are two kinds of black zoos on this rock. A few all black with a black mouth, and a few black with a tiny white dot where the mouth is.

My LFS said they came from Bali.. There are about 5 different zoos on a rock with about 100 polyps on it, it definitely came straight from the ocean, but I'm wondering if they pieced the different colonies together. I'll have to look at the bottom of the rock. Hope they aren't from a protected area!

Well, looks like I won't be driving to Idaho. :).

I think the protected area was near the Caribbean. Again.. No proof or even certainty of this. It might be all BS as far as I know.

Good luck trying to post pics! I'm sure they are gorgeous.
If you want me to post the pics for you you can email them to me. I am very curious to see what they look like

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
Even easier to get pics up. If you're an iPhone user is to get the tapatalk app. Good luck and I'd love to see these black zoas.
these are my black crystal deaths


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I googled black zoas after seeing some at a store and saw the thread, the store said a few came in on an Indo-shipment, they only had a 10-12 polyps but they were black body with a white mouth. I called them oreos, black outsides with a white cotton center. I snapped a picture and will post it of a small polyp I saw.
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thank you, ill post a pic, seems like they are legal to have after googling that name, I was able to get a couple off some loose rock from them. They do resemble an anemone as one article mentioned. It wont be a great pic, just a basic s 4 galaxy but ill do my best