I had a bout with cancer, but thanks to chemo and good docs, am doing extremely well, so thank you. Weak as a kitten, and unable to do all I'd like to, but my water changing is having good effect. Even a bleached mushroom has turned up alive, and I'm feeding it amino acids (Brightwell) and floating food it can access through the water. Bristleworms, unseen for two years, are out and about. And vermetids, but even they are a sign of healthy life, and will diminish as time goes on. I sprang for Reefcleaners package for a 100 gallon, which provided me snails and hermits, tiny hermits, but agile and hungry, and laughably tiny cerith snails, with a few nerites---but even though I had to pick some of these microsnails out of the medium with tweezers (literally that tiny) they are vigorous and all over the tank, noshing nonstop. Funniest inclusion was my request for a fighting conch. I expected an inch long. They sent me Brunhilda the Monstrous, nearly 4" long, and mine is an overbuilt rockwork up on rock pillars, with only about 4" of clear sandbed between the rockwork and the glass (bowfront tank). I hesitated to put her in there, but those support rocks are wide-spaced and solid, and I finally reasoned that if she could dive under the sand (they do) she could maneuver and manage. So in she went, and she chugs along on the surface a bit, and is now underneath, noshing on unreachable debris. THere MAY be an earlier (smaller) conch still in there, and they may meet. As will a few big true Nassarius snails I ordered.
The stir of life and reappearance even of pest species is encouraging. My surviving fish are happier---feeding kept them fat and healthy but during the lean years of Covid, they had to make do on flake I could get online. Now its frozens, and they're deliriously friendly. So things are generally looking up. Thank you very, very much for the kind thoughts, and I'm on line regularly and hanging out, so let's all wish each other better supply and healthy tanks again!