All you EVER wanted to know about Southdown

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I have a question.

I have an established tank with around 3 inches of CC. I would like to switch this out and do a DSB with Southbound.

Can I just scoop out the CC and put the Southbound sand right in?

What about all my corals and fish? Will they be OK?


Just went to a couple of HDs in the Cleveland area and they are not carrying the right kind. They are carrying a play sand that is locally mined and bagged. It is a quartz sand. Anyone know where the right stuff is in Cleveland, Ohio?

They had about 15 more bags and the owner says he really only sells it to people who come in asking for it for their fish tanks. He has another type on display and charges half as much for the one for sand boxes. I paid $6.99 for 40# bags.

Still tons cheaper than the LFS stuff. I will top off this stuff with LIVE SAND.

thanks again

hey radical, you will want to wash that stuff alot before you go adding it to your tank. The silt/dust can choke & kill fish. It is like runnig a jackhammer w/o breathing protection for us.
ok...i changed out 30% of my tank with this new sand. However, my rock is covered with a light coating of sand. Corals and fish seem to be ok. How would you get the sand off the LR? Use a baster or use a power head? Or would you leave it alone?


pic attached
By the way......the pic was taken right after the change. One day later(today) it is much clearer and I can see most of the rock and corals. Fish are swimming around and are a liitle scared though.
You may lose some livestock from doing that. I can't imagine that all that dust wouldn't hinder gas exchange dramatically. Did you rinse it first? If it doesn't go away completely in a couple of days, you may try adding some stress-zyme or other canned bacteria. It cleared my water up immensly overnight when I had the southdown sandstorm. The bacteria attach themselves to the free floating particles and they sink. It'll also seed your DSB. I can't see how it could be bad.
Has anyone ever heard of "Country Boy" sand? It seemed to fizzle when I used vinegar on it. However, since it was an open bag (the last one at the nursery, and it had been exposed to the elements), I wonder if it was a bit contaminated. I seem to remember seeing something somewhere about Country Boy sand but I can't find it (of course).

The nursery is out of the sand now, but the manager said she would order more, I am just wondering if it is worth it. So far haven't been able to find SouthDown/Yardright/Old Castle sand anywhere in my area. (Although it seems like every place carries either Yardright or Old Castle rocks :( )

No I did not rinse it. You should never rinse the sand before putting it in. Today it is much better. Again, fish and coral are all fine. Sandstorms are natural in the ocean. My question was if I should remove the sand from the LR. To do so I would have to tear the tank down again or spend a couple of hours using a baster or a powerhead. Guess I am just lazy. Don't really want to, but will have to.


Tropical Play Sand found at HD Shirley NY

Tropical Play Sand found at HD Shirley NY

I was at the Home Depot in Shirley Long Island NY on Thursday and saw about a 1/2 pallet of the Tropical Play Sand. I didn't see the price but it seems to vary only a couple of dollars from various HD's.
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