All you EVER wanted to know about Southdown

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clowntang I wish that I could help you out with some info on the stores that have it. The lady that told me they had "270 some" bags of it needs glasses or a longer phone cord! I drove past about 10 HD's to get to that store to find 4 pallets of "Yard Right".... let's just say that from now own she will be looking DIRECTLY at the items people are asking for instead of reading it off the computer. lol
Man, I hate telling you this - but both these bags in my avatar are Southdown. Glad the thread is still helping.
LOL I had to sneak back into HD and snag me a buggy full yesterday!! How I missed the Oldcastle on the back of the bag I don't know. lmao But hey at least if you call the store and ask that lady if they have something she will go look and see what brand it is now......
hiya this is my first post here lol took me 2 days to read this thread. Anyway i'm sure glad i found you all. i have FW tanks but am gettting geared up to start a 29 gal reef soon and am glad i read all this now i can at least look for the yardright sand and see if i can find it before i pay so much the lfs stuff. if this 29 gal works out i'm going to change my 55 gal over to a reef also . thanks sooooooooooo much sherry
Now thats a long thread. I couldn't remember if I should rinse or not, Looks like not. Anyway If anyone is in the northern IL area
the Home depot In Waukegan has Old castle. I picked up 5 bags for the 75 gal sump I'm setting up.
pixburg-reefer said:
around here, in PA, they don't sell southdown they sell scilica sand now. Most places do

I picked up a bag of Oldcastle in a HD near Lancaster not 2 weeks ago...

Also just picked some up in Johnston, RI - $5.99 a bag. Now I just hope the airline doesn't complain when I try to check in my luggage with 100 lbs of sand in it!

- "What's this white powder in your bag?"
- "Sand for my SW fish tank, officer."

I just repackaged some of the sand - I got the Tropical Play Sand with the boy on the package - in order to fit it into my luggage for the flight back to ABQ. I was surprised to see so many "large" rocks in with the sand. In about half of the bag, I found several ~1/2" gravel size pieces of what I assume to be quartz.

Is this right? Is this a problem? Should I just pick these large rock pieces out of the sand when putting into the tank? I guess I was expecting the whole bag to be the fine consistency I see in the expensive LFS sand. Maybe that LFS sand has just been graded a bit more ...
Doh, I got the wrong sand I think. The bag just says Play Sand. I'll have to do the vinegar test when i get home.
I checked a Wal-Mart here in San Antonio, TX.....
The playsand is from some TX agriculture something.....looks like Texas coast sand. brown silica based stuff
BTW, I bought some sand from wal-mart that was manufactured by Old Castle. It wasn't in the right bag, but I bought it anyway. After doing the vinegar test it turned out not to be the right stuff. Just thought I would let you guys know. I found two bags in Greenville SC not to long ago and tried to get them to get me more. After three weeks of them saying they would be able to get it They told me no. They did say that there were two pallets in FT Walton beach FL though. I guess that was as close as they could find any near me. They said it must have been a mix up that they ever had any at all.
I was thinking about setting up a DSB when I move this weekend. I had no idea SD was only $4 a bag!!!! I'll have my old sand from my SSB to seed the SD, I just feel really bad for all the snails in my sandbed now, I'm gonna try to salvage as many as possible if I do switch sandbeds.

I have a couple questions, please pm or email me with any specific responses so they don't get lost amongst the 27 pages (so far). I'd REALLY appreciate as much info as possible - I'm moving very soon, still unsure about starting a DSB, I've asked a lot about these things in other threads, but haven't gotten too much input.

a) how many bags of SD for a 72 gallon tank?

b) how much of my old sand to seed it?

c) what do I have to do differently than a SSB to maintain a healthy DSB?

d) do I need different cleaning critters for a DSB?

e) if I put SD in the new tank, how would I fill the tank back up without causing MAJOR sandstorm so I can put my fish back in ASAP?
kittykitty said:
I was thinking about setting up a DSB when I move this weekend. I had no idea SD was only $4 a bag!!!! I'll have my old sand from my SSB to seed the SD, I just feel really bad for all the snails in my sandbed now, I'm gonna try to salvage as many as possible if I do switch sandbeds.

I have a couple questions, please pm or email me with any specific responses so they don't get lost amongst the 27 pages (so far). I'd REALLY appreciate as much info as possible - I'm moving very soon, still unsure about starting a DSB, I've asked a lot about these things in other threads, but haven't gotten too much input.

a) how many bags of SD for a 72 gallon tank?

b) how much of my old sand to seed it?

c) what do I have to do differently than a SSB to maintain a healthy DSB?

d) do I need different cleaning critters for a DSB?

e) if I put SD in the new tank, how would I fill the tank back up without causing MAJOR sandstorm so I can put my fish back in ASAP?
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