I was thinking about setting up a DSB when I move this weekend. I had no idea SD was only $4 a bag!!!! I'll have my old sand from my SSB to seed the SD, I just feel really bad for all the snails in my sandbed now, I'm gonna try to salvage as many as possible if I do switch sandbeds.
I have a couple questions, please pm or email me with any specific responses so they don't get lost amongst the 27 pages (so far). I'd REALLY appreciate as much info as possible - I'm moving very soon, still unsure about starting a DSB, I've asked a lot about these things in other threads, but haven't gotten too much input.
a) how many bags of SD for a 72 gallon tank?
b) how much of my old sand to seed it?
c) what do I have to do differently than a SSB to maintain a healthy DSB?
d) do I need different cleaning critters for a DSB?
e) if I put SD in the new tank, how would I fill the tank back up without causing MAJOR sandstorm so I can put my fish back in ASAP?