Unfortunatly Something Fishy is only open weekends.
TomRep mentioned Shear Heaven on Macarthur RD. I've only had negative experiences with them. I witnessed an owner selling a set-up and trying to push corals on the guy saying you can add them the same day you set-up the tank and they will survive. My girlfriend (who knew nothing about the hobby at the time, she is now my wife and can name most fish in the LFS) wanted to buy me a hammer coral for my b-day, she was sold a hammer with 4 heads. 3 out of the 4 heads were dead/dying and the other head lasted less than a week. That was a suprise gift and the thought on her part was amazing, however, she was totally taken advantage of by the staff. That happened 2 years ago, and I haven't gone back. I do remember they used to charge over $7 per pound of live rock.
On the other hand, a buddy of mine buys alot of coral from Shear Heaven and has nothing negative to say about the store.