allergic reaction

chuy marquez

New member
Did a water change on the tank and changed the rock around in preparation for the new pump last night. This morning I woke up with thight chest , congestion and pain in my left side aound the heart area. Ended up gouing to the doctor who told me to pay somebody to do the work next time. He said the algea releases spores which we inhale and cause allergic reactions. Has anybody had any problems or reactions to working on your tank.
I've never had a problem untill last week, I guess at some point while doing my regular routine I touched something I shouldn't have and rubbed my eye, no problem at the time but my eye was swollen near shut for three days after. Don't know what was worse, the pain or the constant nagging from my wife to go to the hospital, oh well better till next time.
Yep, same thing here. Can't remember what I touched but the next day my hand had swelled up twice the size. Went to the doc and was told the same! I try to use gloves now or make darn sure I don't have any cuts on my hand or arms if I don't have any. Hope you're feeling better now Chuy! Let us know what you think of the Vortech!

WOW!!! I am glad you are OK Chuy. But man this was a close call. Your doctor was wrong about the spores in the algae, there is no way that a water born algae spore can be inhaled through the nose. It was a toxin that was present in your system that got through a cut in your hand/arm or you ingested the water on accident. Maybe one of your remaining corals such as a paly or zoa was agitated and released its toxin.

Corals and ornamental fish carry some of the deadliest poisons known to man. A simple zoa, especially paly's, carry one of the deadliest strain of toxins in the world. It takes less then a drop of their toxin to kill a human. Worst yet, there is no known anti-venom for it. I hope you start, well everyone for that matter in this hobby, using gloves during water changes, fragging, or just simply placing a coral in your system. I know I do after I read certain articles and doing research on the hobby. Well my hand also inflated to twice the size it was after a simple water change. I touched no corals!! Which prompted the research.

I am glad to hear you are better Chuy. Get well.
I feel your pain Chuy. When I did my tank swap my latex gloves kept ripping so towards the end of the swap i got frustrated of putting new gloves on so I started handeling the corals with out gloves. I am sure that the bubble coral got me, my hand started tingling and later that night my hand felt like it was on fire.
I wore gloves all the time that's why the doctor thought it had to be something I was breathing. I know Mitch from Alamogordo has had some nasty reactions also. I just have to wear a mask or respirator next time.
I remember why back i used to get really tired from fragging and moving rock and would just fall asleep on the ground because of it. But now fragging and moving rock bare handed does not really effect me anymore. And i think i had fat hands to begin with. lol I have never heard of a Zoa killing anybody but have heard of a dog dying from eating a frag.

Steffen Sparks