Almost 2 yrs old now.

I'm haveing some fun with my new dslr canon camera and took some pics of my fish. Not the best, but thought you guys would like to see them.

My rabbitfish is 10 inches now.


One of my rhomboids.


Side views.






that is an awesome looking tank. probably the best i've seen in terms of mix of corals and fish. was wondering how the 3 angels (red sea regal, swallowtail?, watanabei?) get along. i noticed they all had elongated fins so no fin nipping? is so, how did you accomplish this? (added all at the same time?, genicanthus 1st? or regal 1st?) thanks. and again simply awesome tank.
Thank you maikoa02, The angels all get along fine now. But the regal took a good licking from my purple tang when introduced and the swallowtail was put in his place by the watanabie at first.
But all of them are fine now.
Day before its 2 year B/day. I splurged and bought a couple of sweet corals from Phishy. I'm recieving them in a few hours, cant wait. Here are some more pix and some closeups.









Wow, beautiful tank!! I just found this link while doing a search for Genicanthus watanabei. I just purchased a female and am in love with it!!! Eventually, I'd love to have a tank large enough to have a harem of this species. Any advice you can give me on it's care? I've read where they frequently receive swim bladder injury during collection because of their deep water dwellings. Anything I need to watch for?? Thanks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12684050#post12684050 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by returnofsid
Wow, beautiful tank!! I just found this link while doing a search for Genicanthus watanabei. I just purchased a female and am in love with it!!! Eventually, I'd love to have a tank large enough to have a harem of this species. Any advice you can give me on it's care? I've read where they frequently receive swim bladder injury during collection because of their deep water dwellings. Anything I need to watch for?? Thanks.

Thank you, The best advice I could give you on watanabies is to see if your lfs will hold one for you for a week or 2 to make sure it hasnt been harmed in collection like you mentioned. Make sure it is eating well before you buy one, it will most likely take 4-7 days to start eating again in your tank. That's the biggest problem IMO.


Well, I already purchased I do know it's been in the LFS tank for about 2 weeks though. Appears very healthy and beautiful. I have seen it eat in the LFS tank. Glad to see others with this same fish. Yours is beautiful too!!

Thank you so much for your advice!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12684139#post12684139 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by heuerfan
Love this tank, you have to post a video of this tank please! :)

Thank you, I can't do videos with my new camera, but I can try later with my old one when the lights come on.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12684400#post12684400 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pepino
really nice tanks isee you live in murray i used to live in west valley

Yep, I have been here all my life.
I work all over the country and I wouldnt leave this place for anywhere else, lol Crazy weather, here it is in June and its 48 degrees, last week it was pushing 90.
I couldn't ever give up the mountains.
do any skiing out there, Brad?

a long time ago when I was young my family took trips to ski in Utah and we also visited friends out there.

I think we had a day where it rained, snowed, hailed, and then roasted all in the same day ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12684481#post12684481 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RyanBrucks
do any skiing out there, Brad?

a long time ago when I was young my family took trips to ski in Utah and we also visited friends out there.

I think we had a day where it rained, snowed, hailed, and then roasted all in the same day ;)

I used to all the time when I was younger and didn;t care what I did to my body, lol. I used to be able to ski all day for ten bucks.
Now its close to a hundred.
Now I just take my boat out and go fishing .;)
You can have all four seasons of the year in one day.
How far is Murray from Sandy? I'll be in Sandy for a month, starting Sunday, for work. LOL Could bring my video camera with me!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12684910#post12684910 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by returnofsid
How far is Murray from Sandy? I'll be in Sandy for a month, starting Sunday, for work. LOL Could bring my video camera with me!!

Sandy is right next door, 5 miles away.
Yea, that would be awsome if you came by and took some videos.
What are you going to be doing here for a month?