Alternative to harlequin shrimp for asterina starfish


New member
I have had an issue with asterina starfish for sometime, but I did not like the idea of adding a harlequin shrimp as they only eat starfish. So I researched another solution the pacific jeweled starfish (nordoa). They are reef safe and will eat other food once the asterina starfish are gone. I was able to purchase one from Ocean Rift Aquatics in North Canton some time ago. It took a while to get a picture, but I was lucky this morning.


  • 2014-07-19 12.49.16.jpg
    2014-07-19 12.49.16.jpg
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If you google this be sure to search "pacific jewel starfish" and not "pacific jeweled starfish". Unless you want a bedazzled starfish decoration.
I will be on the look out for one of these, thanks for sharing.


We have a breeding pair of harlequin starfish and are always looking for food for them. We have exhausted our supply of asterinas. If any one has some asterina starfish they would like to sell we will give 10 cents a piece for them.

Greg Smith
Aquatic Technology
(440) 236 8330
Ive had a blue linky for over a year and a half. I have asterinas but have never heard that Ill have to keep and better eye on him.