Always shedding!


New member
I have kept various photosynthetic gorgonians for many years but have never had one that sheds as often as one I have sheds more than its "open" I'd say.

Of the 21 photosynthetic gorgonian species I have right now, many shed once a year, a few shed once a month and this one sheds once every 10 days or so!

I don't have a species name or picture right now (will take one soon). I don't think its a really common species but Im wondering if anyone else has any gorgs like this?

When the polyps are out, it is an absolutely gorgeous piece but of course when they are retracted and its shedding, its quite ugly.

I'd say it goes through 16-18 day cycles where its shedding for 10 of those days. When I got it about two years ago, I seem to remember it shedding more like once a month. It does grow quite fast.