Amino Acids.. What When How & Why?


New member
Hey fellow reefers... I am in search of information as to the above mentioned title of the three W's in dosing amino acids and why? So if you have any experience in dosing please give some input.

I ask because I have an ultra low nutrient system and with the aggressive skimming and constant w/c's that I do. I found that I in particular was starving my corals for food(unexplained color loss & bleaching when paramenters are in check and no pests, except me when i put my hands inside to rearrange things.. LOL!!)
I have heard many rumors that amino acids are benefical?
What is your input?

Some questions to keep in mind for answering this post are:

What exactly is it you are dosing? What do you expect to get out of it ?
When do you dose (morning afternoon night)?
How much are you dosing?
Why did you start in the 1st place?

Thanks for looking and posting! :bounce3:

I am running a 50gallon mixed reef with clams, without any SPS. Lights are 1 250w Twin-Arc 10-20k M/H with a mini luminarc reflector. The supplemental lights are a 36" 54w blue led Reef Brite strip

I don't know if I can answer the 3 W's but here is what I use and why

I use Pohl's Coral Vitalizer (1 drop for 25 gal daily) and Amino Acid Concentrate LPS (1ml per 50 gallons a day). I dose in the morning and have have been using them for about a month and have noticed better polyp extension on favia-favites corals. In general all of my corals actually look much more colorful. You have to be careful with the dosage because I purposely doubled the dose and a brown algae film forms on the glass. I found out about these products from another reefer who's tank looked magnificent


You da man!! LOL! Thanks Andy I appreciate your prompt response, I know I got a bit carried away with the W's. :) I believe it's something I may have to do, so I just want to find out more. I'll look into the product(s) you mentioned... Thanks buddy!

BTW... What are the ingredients labeled on the bottle?
I tried dosing AAs a year or so ago and had a algae outbreak so I stopped. I always have somebody stopping by and afew have said, which I've noticed as well that some just don't have that popping color they should and recommened AAs again....stupid me I followed the dosing rates on the bottle which led to the algae....I'm using Brightwell AAs started at 5 drops a week now up to 10 drops ..all is good so far.
im on my secound bottle of brightwells aa ive been doing it for over 2 months i dose 1ml a day for the most part i do for get here and there but i have def noticed a diff in colors on my corals granted i have mostly lps and zoas but i do have some sps and there pretty colorfull ,i dint have any bad effects ,so far i dose half the recommende dosing that brightwell tells u to dose i cant take a chance ,also i have been dosing brightwells koralcolor and i think that product works great the colors came out in my anenomes like crazy ,i was doing that before the aminios
Interesting topic Noel. Great thread.

I used to think all that amino acid stuff was bologna.

Maybe somewhere down the road I'll try it...
I am dosing potassium and vitamin c. While I dont think they are considered aa's (i might be wrong) i have noticed significant difference in overall coloration, extension and increased growth. I add 2 per 10 gallons of vitamin c nightly and I add 10ml's weekly of potassium. My ACAN's are popping out babies daily! I'm not sure if its because of these two items but since beginning this a month ago, things have taken off.