ammonia spike, tank crashes, losses what a night..

jk about the rp, i just checked it and there are multiple places where tissue nec. has occurred and is spreading, so i guess im sps free.. :(
params: recently checked- 2 hrs ago lol.
Cal: 480
dkh: 11
nitrites: 0
ph:8.1-8.2 (im gonna raise it soon)
ammonia: 0-0.25 ppm
Dude, that sucks. Do tanks really crash like that. I would be devastated if my tank just died one day, and its a puny biocube. Hope things get better......
lesson learned. nano tanks = time bombs :D lol jk i guess the swings in a small tank could be devastating.

tank update: tank appears to be cycling -> look at the params. i do notice an increase in diatoms and glass algae, but the cuc is handling it.

oh btw is there any way to increase water clarity? The water is still a bit cloudy.