Amphiprion nigripes - Rose Skunk Clown


So I bought this guy yesterday, pretty rare clown from the Indian Ocean, Maldives to Sri Lanka. I am wondering if anyone else has these? I am trying to find one to pair with it, so anyone in Socal? I already have a True Perc pair, which got moved from my 29 to my 60 to make room for this guy, so I want to get a pair of these as well.
NO, not that rare, sorry. I would post in the clownfish forum and you will see that many people have them and have bred them.
heh, not from what it seems, not getting any responses here, clown forum, or sdreefs =( Only response is from someone trying to find them as well!
Uncommon at times certainly rare, no
try this forum

I'm trying to locate an onyx clown which is not rare at all but I'm having no luck so therefore because they are not available doesn't mean they are rare.

My LFS just had a pair for about 3 months. gone now
They are actually not that common because of the poor shipping and the fact that the Maldives is so remote. As far as everything I have read and tried to purchase these the only location is the Maldives. It also goes by the generic name Maldives clown or Blackfoot clown. I have tried to order online and local and everybody says they are extremely poor shippers and most places will not give any guarantee. There are a few in the clown forum that have them with one person that is breeding them, keep trying. Good luck with it they are very cool clownfish one of my favorites.
Ya I guess I meant rare as in 'rare to find at an LFS' not necessarily rare in the wild. But I'll check out the site to check for more info.