An easier way to clean Streams?


Premium Member

Every time I clean my Streams I wonder why Tunze doesn't put a disconnect between the pumps and the blue-metalic driver box.

Every other component can be disconnected why not put a plug and jack between the pump and the electrical system?

To clean the streams I either have to haul a bucket over to my tank or unscrew the metal box and haul the whole 9-yards to the sink.

The problem is that their is no satisfactory junction, I have seen people DIY and I see them because they come here to be changed back when it fails do to exposure to salt air and moisture, since water tends to drip down the cord eventually it is almost guaranteed to cause a problem. Besides that it is what is referred to as a forcing feature because it makes it unlikely someone would disconnect the pump with the driver energized which can destroy the components. I have always just used a five gallon bucket with a half gallon of vinegar and a 1/2 gallon of warm water and a set of brushes and done it at the tank.
Interesting point about destroying the driver by running it without a load.

The dripping water part "shouldn't" be a problem if people mounted the driver in a proper location (and used a drip loop).
