An ID for these Macros, please!


New member
I just started up my refugium and was given two types of macro from my cousin that I can not identify, and neither could he since he recieved the frags from a neighbor. The red appears to look like a form of grape calpura to me, and I have no clue as for green. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

Hey SpearMan,

I agree that the first one is C. prolifera (although it could possibly be the C. prolifera lookalike C. brachypus). I think the red algae is Botryocladia something.

Cool, thanks. By any chanse can you give me the common names for these like "grape", lettuce" etc. I do not have any references to look these species up and I really dont know a whole lot about macro algeas just yet.

thanks for your time!
macro algae

macro algae

I have the same 2 types of macro algae in my mudd filter.
I was told they were red grape caluerpa & razor caluerpa.
Both are growing like weeds, need to trim every 2-3 weeks.

awsome, i thought the red was grape caluepra and the green I had no clue. Do you feed these to any of your fish?

thanks Dan!

Greetings All & Happy New Year !


Looking for an online algae reference? .
This is a GREAT site, although at times it can be a little slow. Set the "Return [ ] records at a time" option setting (just above the "Start Search" button) to '5' to speed up the engine.

Want to see pictures? .
The rub is you'll need a genus or species name to make it work, but not to worry ... (see next link) .

Within this page is a common name search engine. .
Enter the common name, and it will display all the genus/species stuff you could want ... oftentimes with picture links ... very cool.

Another excellent link for beginner macroalgae investigations is: .
This site is posted by the Botany Department of the University of Hawaii. Topics range from macroalgae systematics & evolution overview, to pressing & preserving algae.

If you ever decide to become "serious" ( ... obsessive? ... compulsive? ... ) in your investigations, you might examine this page from the University of Texas Culture Collection: .
It presents some links to places where the folks who are truly serious about macroalgae play ... .

With regards to feeding, even my Chevron and Sohal Tangs show little interest in either the red (Botrycladia uvariodes ... probably), or the green (Caulerpa porifera).

... brain gone ... keyboard in full revolt ...
I meant Caulerpa prolifera ... all those times I was dropped on my head as a small child ... all those football games without a helmet ... what a world, what a world.


Hi! SpearMan:

I just added a yellow tang & I haven't fed any macroalgae to him yet, but from reading other treads it seems alot of fish do not like the razor caluerpa. I only have 6 green chromis & a copperband butterfly so really no algae eaters until this past week with the tang.

I had the same experience, I have 3 large yellow tangs and they wont touch the razor but they love the red grape caluepra.