And so it begins

Another week and another update.

Overall I did not get too much finished on the tank but I made myself do something each day even if it was for 15 minutes.

I added some details/texture to the back and right wall to make it look less man made by breaking up some of the straight lines and working on the tubes some.

I decided not to do much to the left wall for now just do a foundation of rock. The reason I did this is because I plan to have my floor rock higher in this area and transition down as the rock moves to the right. I may have one more blenny hole on that side later as well to help break up the lines.

The reasons I have not done much are I have not been much in the mood and did not want to do something just to finish it if that makes sense. I have been home remodeling and have been going to bed as late as 4 am this week.

The other reason is the floor. Back in the picture above I showed my floor being in 4 sections and then building it but looking at things this would not work so I am going to build the floor in 2 sections instead and cut it to fit. I did the right side yesterday and it has now hardened. I made it flat but later I will add some details and will make my flow holes etc after I know the lay out of the rock.

I was also going to attach the rock to the floor permanently but that goes against my flexibility plan.

If you look on the right side at the blenny hole you will see a zip tie sticking out. I may leave it just to annoy one of my co-workers who suffers from a slight case of OCD sometimes.


right floor:


underneath of it:

rest of the floor:

wrapped in a bag to slow the drying process:

To annoy my co-worker. I will train the fish to sit on it and take food later.

Thanks me either! I figure it should be somewhere around August 2014 when full.

Maybe we should get a pool up. Anyone?

My office is horrible for pictures because I have a glare that comes through both windows. I even tried closing the blinds earlier, thus the dark pictures but the light hits the water, bounces up, hits the under roof of the porch and then angles in through the slits in the blinds.

Here is a FTS from another room. Luckily I can move this thing around.

Friday's update:
I made the floor in two sections so I can pull it when necessary. Right now it is smooth and I am debating about adding texture and details or just leaving it as is and allowing the zoas to cover everything.
I have a seem between the two sections and am playing with ways to hide it. The first attempt is ok but it sticks out.
I did the rock work and I have a few more areas to fill in plus on the one on the left, I need to make the legs look less straight and man made.
I hope that by next Friday everything is done and I can fill it. My boss keeps walking in and telling me to fill it already. Anyone looking for a reef wife?

Here are some photos:






I will post more pictures later.
I have pretty much finished the build. I am seeing how much I like or dislike it.

Overall I am happy how it turned out though I will admit that things changed from pencil and paper to today.

Here are some pictures from last week and I will see if I can grab our crappy work camera later.

Getting closer:


The floor seam from above that I am not too happy about. I made a thin cover but may hide it with some rubble.


How I cut the floor to fit:



top down:


more later.
I almost forgot it was Friday. I was off 2 days this week so it feels like Monday.

I worked on the tank only 1 day this week adding some more rock to the boxes to hide the eggcrate.
I also made a dozen small rocks to scatter across the floor to break things up but I don't think it will be enough so I may add texture and height to some of the floor by randomly throwing cement on.

I threw on a 13 watt PC light I have had for years just to see what things look like and I am happy to say there are shadows throughout the tank. I know we all want to light things up like the midday sun but I have always liked tanks that are not a saturated box of light if that makes sense.

The work camera is working today but if it is returned I will snap some photos.

I do have some from last week though so:


I could not figure out to fold my daughter into the tank so I have a stand in.


The floor is sloped high to low from the back. Why? Just because and I wanted to see if it added anything once the zoa mat is finished. It also allows for upwelling in the back with the PH.

So my next tasks are working on the floor (again) and choosing a light fixture.

If anyone has suggestions I would like to see them please. I figure either T5 though they are limited in this size or LEDs such as eco's 13 watters.
Man I guess the office is just like home. Nothing is going on so I guess I will work on/in the tank and bam! Hey I need you to go do something that has nothing to do with you or your job.

I was in the process of making salt water and now not so much. Not really interested in professional wake boarders ya know?

Maybe I can get the tank wet tomorrow or Monday.
Nice work Mike. of my colleagues has OCD and I always leave my stuff as crooked as possible just for laughs.
I must say, I have never witnessed such diligence and dedication. I agree with so much of what you said in your initial post. Bigger is not always better and it's not about any award. Reefing is personal, or it should be, to every reefer. The only thing of any importance is that you are please, happy and received a measure of complete fulfillment.

After the completed construction, what do you estimate your actual water volume will be?

Thanks for your words. It is really cool to think that someone halfway around the world is looking at your tank and thinks it looks good. Just to let you know I had to trim that one zip tie off because I could not slide part of the floor underneath the right wall. Don’t worry though. Yesterday when I was working on the tank I nicked the PH box and I can now see a piece of zip tie hanging down. I may just see how long it takes before he notices that.

Thank you very much for your words. It is good to hear positive (and even negative) comments about this “all important” part of our lives. I have been keeping fish since 1984 (wow) and my first marine tank was in 1995 that I went down to the rock jetties and salt marsh to stock. I used beach sand and rock for the habitat and I would use macroalgae just because I thought it was cool. Stocking included hermit crabs, gobies, a pistol shrimp plus fish that were collected either in the salt marsh or during cruises such as file and burr fish. Basically it was something fun to WATCH and I wanted to try and refocus on that part of the hobby. I even enjoy my daughter’s 55 that I have had for 20+ years. I ask her if she wants marine fish and she always says oh no I want goldfish.

I have always wondered what draws people from so many backgrounds into this and why. Maybe it is the wow factor maybe the curosity of something so strange to us. Just more things to ponder I guess.

Yesterday I filled the tank with water and so that part of the project is “now finished”. I cannot believe that it took me 54 days just to do this small tank. I did not work on it during the weekends of course and a few days I did not have time due to conflicts but I estimate 40+ hours on it. I guess I am slow but I don’t mind too much because I am happy with how it turned out. I still have a few things to “fix” such as the PH hose has a small kink in it and the rock structure on the right needs some smaller rubble pieces at the base to make it look more broken up. I just cannot put my hands in the tank very well and move things around so I need some salad tongs.

One of the goals was to make the rockwork how I wanted it instead of figuring out how to deal and just cram it in there. I actually pictured them (is this bad?) in my mind and went from there. They are pretty close though yet I did make some changes as I made everything so I guess I went with the flow so to speak.

Mucho it is funny that you asked about water volume. I know the exact amount of water in the tank.

Does anyone wish to take a guess? I have it in gallons, liters and ml. It sounds odd but I just wanted to know. Also I had a goal in mind that I forgot to list in the original post. If anyone is interested I will go into that after the guessing game.

I will get some photos up later. Sorry for the long post but hey what else are you going to do at work?

Oh and sorry I cannot take awesome pictures like everyone else here.
Just letting the tank be wet this week. I will probably drain it to get any of the fines out, fill it and then add LR next week from home.

Two things:

1. I have pretty good water flow in the tank but my PH pushes the right part of the floor up and I have to either weigh it down or re-direct the flow. I can stick a coffee stick into the PH and watch where the bubbles come out.
2. My office building is at a marina and any time a fast boat flies by or a storm comes I get a random wave in the tank, maybe up to a half of an inch.

It is doing it right now.

Have a good week end.
I am no expert by any means but I am a dreamer...I have always thought about making a bottom with rock or foam and creating what looked like volcanoes then having the whole thing black and doing all red or orange zoes so that it looked like erupting volcanoes. I know some may find this cheezy but I thought it might look cool I have seen tanks with black sand and zoes on the sand bed and they just pop against the black. Just my 2 cents.
I am no expert by any means but I am a dreamer...I have always thought about making a bottom with rock or foam and creating what looked like volcanoes then having the whole thing black and doing all red or orange zoes so that it looked like erupting volcanoes. I know some may find this cheezy but I thought it might look cool I have seen tanks with black sand and zoes on the sand bed and they just pop against the black. Just my 2 cents.

Honestly I think that is a pretty cool idea and you should attempt it. You could build the volcanoes and hide your equipment inside them if necessary. If you put some red underwater lights you could watch them erupt too. Heck you could be a volcano god, standing there laughing. Don't forget the East Island heads either.

Red and yellow zoas for the lava flows, black for the cooled rock, some green for the trees, light browns for the beach, and light blues to dark as the "œwater" depth increases.

As I said in my first post I have more ideas than space etc. and one of them I got while riding Big Thunder Railroad at Magic Kingdom last year with my daughter. Right after you leave the station you enter a cave and climb. The rockwork is pretty cool and I took a bunch of photos for none other than a cave tank. I would do a 150 with an elaborate two tiered rock structure. Corals would be on the top of the rock work, maybe a foot below the surface and the rest would just be structure and I would stock it will shoaling fish such as longspine cardinals and some squirrel fish to hang out.

Fish could swim up and over the structure and then go back down to hang.
Go ahead and call them and put in a good word for me. My wife wants me to work there and she wants to also.

I brought some rock from home and put it in on Monday. I think I know my zoa of choice for this project. I was going to go with another but things just fell into place.

Of everything the lights have been the biggest headache to be honest. MH vs. T5 vs. LEDs.

Each had pros and cons of course:
MH: tried and true but bulb replacement costs
T5: some good looking tanks with them but there aren't too many choices for 18" bulbs
LEDs: so far these are in the lead and at one year the costs of all 3 are pretty equal.

And last night I think I may have figured a few things out as far as mounting. I just need to find my light fixture.

Here is how things look. I fixed the floating floor by adding more egg crate underneath and with the rubble you really cannot see the seam anymore.



Definitely tagging along, even if it takes years. :wave:

I love the idea and the build can't wait to see it up and running. Any idea as to what Blenny you're going to add?