and so the day has come

All I know is that I watched a 4" maroon take a chunk of skin off my friends arm when he was cleaning. And they've been on my buying ban list ever since!
So fish decorated with bird-droppings are in, huh?

I'll file that between 'eye-ball licking' and 'bagel-head injections' as today's weirdest trends.

bagel-head injections - those crazy japanese (btw i'm half japanese, but i guess when it comes to bagel-head injections i have my western feelings about them - just plain silly)
bagel-head injections - those crazy japanese (btw i'm half japanese, but i guess when it comes to bagel-head injections i have my western feelings about them - just plain silly)

OMG, I had to google this, are they insane??? LOL. Guess if you do enough face plants, you want a pillow on your forehead to cushion the blow. :lol2:
Just read an update on the website but according to, the purchaser’s plans are to “keep the fish in their 120 gallon tank as the centerpiece of their show tank. The buyer was not specifically interested in breeding them, but if they do decide to mate the eggs will be transferred to the Long Island Aquarium and raised by Todd Gardner and Joe Yaiullo. We’ll have photos of the fish in their new home soon!” Read the whole story at