Nice. Update on your ridiculously expensive Gigantea?
Looks so mature..
Awesome pic ryan:inlove:
Can't decide what i love the most in it!
But if you put a gun in my head,probably the mature look,like the guys said!
Do the angels nip?
They look amazing!
Fixed it for you....
Just fount this thread, beautiful setup! This is going to be amazing once everything is grown in.
Thanks mate hope u enjoy the ride
Not that it isn't already amazing, could you go into more tech details, methods? and maybe list of equipment? Sump shots?
Stunning start you have there, also love the aquascape design.
What and how much do you feed, Ryan?
reefmutt said:Nice, Ryan!
Amazing growth.
cFloor said:That's some impressive growth Ryan, looks great!
No i do not feed my sps, i leave fish poop to do that job.bibarassa said:Ryan, do you feed your corals? and what Kh, Ca, Mg are you running?