Angel Reef

Just fount this thread, beautiful setup! This is going to be amazing once everything is grown in.
Not that it isn't already amazing, could you go into more tech details, methods? and maybe list of equipment? Sump shots?

Stunning start you have there, also love the aquascape design.

Sure very simple system all I run is a skimmer which is a royal exclusive 200 and uv and gac in a sock. Light is 8x80w geissman matrix 2 and for flow a single maxspec gyre 150 set at 70%. 3 part dosing controlled by profilux dosing pump.

Here is a sump pic - pretty basic
What and how much do you feed, Ryan?


Hi Mo,

I feed NLS pellets and ocean nutrition flake in the morning and in the evening 1 cube of mysis and 1 cube of brine spirulina. Also nori a few times a week.

reefmutt said:
Nice, Ryan!
Amazing growth.

Thanks Matt, you dont really notice it until you do a comparison pic

cFloor said:
That's some impressive growth Ryan, looks great!

Thanks Conor.

bibarassa said:
Ryan, do you feed your corals? and what Kh, Ca, Mg are you running?
No i do not feed my sps, i leave fish poop to do that job.
kh = 6.5
ca = 400
mg = 1250
Just was going through this and I have to say, those angels are amazing, them and tangs are surely my favorite fish (one day I will have a tank big enough for a pair of emperors, I dream....), oh, and the tank is good too lol.

A quick question: How hard is it keeping the carpet? Any special QT you did for it?

Thanks, keep us posted!