Angeltown - Phoenix from Ashes

Today my coral / frag /quarantine tank build up.
380 x 90 x 25cm inkl motor for 4 pieces of Sunpower 8 x 80 Watt on ceiling.

Also two quarantine tanks for fish
45 x 45 x 100 (180 liter) and
45 x 45 x 200cm (360 liter)

Not finished yet


Grüße Torben

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Your skimmer collection cup. Is that not connected on purpose?

I think it looks pretty good.
Water level is down on this pic because of water change. So Skimmer is turn off. Collecting cup is connected to Skimmer?!

Grüße Torben

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Water level is down on this pic because of water change. So Skimmer is turn off. Collecting cup is connected to Skimmer?!

In this picture:


It looks like the Skimmer cup drain is not connected. It looks like it is supposed to be connected to the drain. Yellow hose.
Ahh my bad. I guess my RO did not come with one. I just have the extra small skimmer though.

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I looked at the pictures and thought the skimmer cup was overfull, popping out the top and the hose was disconnected.
I see builds like this and I am in awe. I wish I had the time, money, and space to do a tank like this. Truly amazing build and well planned out.
Hey Torben,

wow, was ein mega Projekt, Hut ab. Sehr beeindruckend. Hast du in etwa im Überblick, wieviel KWh die ganze Anlage monatlich bzw. jährlich braucht?

wow, what an impressive project, kudos. Can you state a guesstimate kilowatt hour consumption?

Viele Grüße

I see builds like this and I am in awe. I wish I had the time, money, and space to do a tank like this. Truly amazing build and well planned out.
Thanks but not well planned out... Today I remov mistakes from yesterday :( every day again.

Grüße Torben

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Hallo Sebastian,
ne eigentlich nicht.

1 Blue Eco RFP 900 Watt läuft aktuell mit 380 Watt. In Zukunft weniger
1 Bubble King Deluxe 500 mit 2 mal 58 Watt.
3 Royal Exclusive 80 Watt Red Dragon 3 all run by 15 Watt. One for Filter and two in water tanks for water change.
4 x 80 Watt UV
4 Panta Rhei Hydro Wizards ECM 63 all run by 40 watt max in this moment.
6 time ATI Sirius X6 for 12 hours a day with sunrise und sunset. Maybe 9 hours max Watt a day
3 time HQI 1.000 Watt for only 4 hours a day

60 kW per day

In quarantine
One 30 Watt and one 80 Watt
Two hang on Skimmer from Deltec
2 Sicce streamer size 3 I think

May be 6 kW per day

For corals tank hope to do the job with one Abyzz 200. If this pump isn't enough will buy Royal Exclusive RD3 230 Watt Speedy and 4 time ATI Sunpower 8 x 80 Watt

May be 35 Watt per day

Total 100 kW per day

Grüße nach Ddorf

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in this moment everything waiting for me to go ahead ;)

Will start plumbing next days.

In this moment I started tank transfer for the fish I picked up in last weeks.
2 Apolemichthys arcuatus
2 Naso elegans
1 Naso vlamengii
1 Apolemichthys xanthopunctatos
1 Synchiropus splendidus
8 Hemitaurichthys polylepis x zoster hybrid
2 Zebrasoma rostratum adult

All a in good condition so I started TTM for my first time.

Hypersalinity does not work for me.

Copper is to dangerous because I lost fish in the past. Jbl copper test show me 0.25 and ICP 0.40

Hope I do TTM right. I read many articles here and think I am on the right way.

Grüße Torben

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In this moment fantastic. No lost until now. Stress also don't kill a fish. Can't recognize Cryptocaryon. May be fungus on end of fins by two fish reducing. Zanclus cornutus only eats frozen food and no pellets. Slimmish don't know he will made it. Other fish fat and healthy. Some tips from other RC members is to make between tank transfer a 30 min stop in formalin and melachit green for pimp up the TTM. Also have to use metronidazole for a few days. In this moment I ordered this products and when arrived I will test it.

Grüße Torben

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