Another amazing test kit from our friends at Red Sea


New member
RO/DI straight from the spout, no salt, no buffer, nothing....


I should have known better, but I thought I could skimp on test kits...I suppose I learned a valuable lesson.

Does anyone have an e-mail adress for these goons ?
BTW, I'm aware that this is not a 'true' representation of harmful ammonia in the test water, and still needs to be converted, however, the test is still giving a false positive.

Whats the customer service like for these goons ?
take some water to your LFS and have them test it. when did you last change your carbon pre-filter?
damn i hope this isnt representative of all their tests cuz i just bought their marine and reef test kits. i would have liked to have gone with Salifert, but i didnt want to spend $200 on test kits right now.
Perhaps your kit is OK but the ammonia is from the chloramines in the tapwater.

Perhaps a4twenty's comment was about chloramines. :)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6950177#post6950177 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by a4twenty
take some water to your LFS and have them test it. when did you last change your carbon pre-filter?
I don't have an RO/DI unit of my own. my Tank is FOWLR, and I've been using RO/DI for my water changes and top-offs since I got away from a sand bed (went to CC).

I get my RO/DI from the LFS, and I trust them as far as the quality of the RO/DI goes.

I might try distilled water tonight. and see what happens with that.

Either way, I'm still trying to find some kind of e-mail address to contact Red-Sea, because this kit is worthless, and I want my money back.

I may send an e-mail to the vendor and see if they can forward contact info for me.
You could try testing some tank water with it, too. Distilled water isn't necessarily clean, IME, although I don't remember whether I've found ammonia. I know I've seen nitrate or nitrite.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6955108#post6955108 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bertoni
You could try testing some tank water with it, too. Distilled water isn't necessarily clean, IME, although I don't remember whether I've found ammonia. I know I've seen nitrate or nitrite.


My tank water shows 0.25PPM consistently. Is there some water that I should be able to test that is a good "zero" all around ?

I would have guessed that RO/DI straight from the spout would be a good indicator of test accuracy. and then titrating ammonia into said water, and testing it at known certain levels of ammonia, and checking the tests accuracy.
Well, there is some concern that the RO-DI water isn't clean. I must admit that I had troubles with my Red Sea test kits, including the ammonia, and ended up returning them.