Another Bulk Reef GFO question


New member
Am I correct in my calculations from the BRS website

2grams/gal * 250 gal = 500gm = 1.1 pounds

at $15.50/pound per fill that lasts 2-3 weeks = $387/year on GFO!?! Please tell me that I am wrong or that there is a better way for us with larger than Nano tanks.
FWIW EG : Rowaphos uses about 250 ml to treat a 250 gallon tank .It will remove a phosphate concentration of 3ppm .
I would say you would never go through that much GFO . Unless ur using some really high tds water . I would get a good phosphate kit and test your water . So u have a base to work off of .
I guess that means load 500 ml of BRS GFO .per 250 gal ?? That's a lot of GFO compared to the german stuff . It is almost double. I would be careful . Test and change media until you reach your undetectable or acceptable goal .
Then just test periodically and change media when it becomes exhausted.

HTH and makes you feel better .
Personally I only replace my GFO when i test and see phosphates. Usage depends on how much phosphate your system produces, not on when they recommend you replace it.