Another Great Opportunity for a Group Buy/Pooled Order

sweet another group buy, im tempted to waste some B Day money on some T5 now, but somes goin into the sump, plus some corals, but good prices im gettin suttin, i know that
like two days ago i spent a bunch of money at liveaquaria ordering maxi jets.... i could have got them here for 2 bucks less for each and not have to pay 9 bucks for shipping. i coudl have saved 18 bucks WHILE supporting a local buisiness:mad:
oh well. those are some good deals. I wish there was tropic marine though. ;)

Drew: read what DOES come up on the link...... it had the headings of each catigory under the CTARS tab on the side.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6914623#post6914623 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sequential
Where is Just Phish located?

He does not have a retail store, he usually drops stuff off at meetings of meets up with people. I get home delivery. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6924833#post6924833 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hans1976
Or you could bride a fellow club member to pick it up and bring it to the meeting.
Any fellow club members want to be my bride? ;)