Another low PH prob.


New member
OK the tank is cycled about 5 weeks. I have been battling a low ph prob since day 1.

20gal. Open Top, (4year old house ;) )
1.022 Sal.
0 No2
0 No3
15 dKm
440 Calc.
79 Deg F
7.8, sometimes I can get it to 8.0 PH ?

I use Kalk for water top off, bout 1 qt a day at least.
Use Supp. Seachem, Calc, Complete, & plus 1 day rotated.

Everything is going fine, Coraline is growing, but a Condy. Anenome is acting funky last few days. I have 2 small corals, a ricordia, and a brown polyp both look fine. Maybe myabe PH test is weird. I should upgrade to a pen i guess. Any ideas? Does a low PH mean I still have stuff dying off from the cycle?
You have too much Alkalinity. It should be at 9-11 dKh. If you get that to lower, your Ph should go up some.
Tanks that still have decay going on often measure low in pH due to metabolites from the process. The alkalinity is a bit high, and salinity is very low. I target 1.026 SG.

You might have a CO2 problem. This article might be useful:

You could try the aeration test. Getting a second opinion on the pH might be useful as well, since many times the problem seems to be in the test kit.
The alkalinity isn't that bad. I'd just let it drop on its own. Lowering the alkalinity will lower pH a bit, by the way. Having it high can lead to other problems, though.
Dont think water change is necessary yet. Maybe cut back a little on how much kalk powder you put in your top off. Alk will fall on its own. I went from two tsp per gallon (saturation) to one rounded tsp per gallon and everything leveled off nicely. Everyones tank is different depending on demand. A little tweaking and you'll be fine. :)
OKies, I was only using about 1/2 tsp p/gallon anyway :). You think the PH will just come up on its own? The tank is still pretty new. You think its safe to put frags in?
I would follow bertoni's advice and get that sg up to about 1.026 before you put the frags in.

Remember as you add more critters, your consumption will change.