Another stupid question


New member
Hello and happy holidays to all at RC.
I was at my LRS yesterday and they just got in a (giant cup mushroom) feel free to shout out the scientific name. This thing is no lie the size of a 10" dinner plate. My stupid question is will it eat fish? I know I have read about them but as you all know every time we learn something in this hobby we forget something mouth is about quater size tightly closed. I want it real bad, its the biggest mushie i have ever seen! I just dont want to lose my fish for it.
Happy holidays to you as well :D

I believe it is Amplexidiscus fenestrafer (commonly called elephant ear mushroom coral) and yes it will eat fish that like to perch on things.

By the way, no question is stupid in this hobby. What would truly be stupid would be to go and buy something for your tank without knowing about it and risking its health and the health of its tank mates. That's just my not-so-humble opinion though :D
It could be from two Genera and without a picture, I can't say for sure what it is. It is either a large Rhodactis species or a moderately sized Amplexidiscus species. Most likely it is an Elephant Ear Mushroom (Amplexidiscus sp). Yes, it will eat fish if given the chance as well as some unwary invertebrates. It can grow larger than what you see it as if given proper care.
Thank you Travis. Are there other mushies that go under the common name? B/C I have in my tank an bright blue elephant ear or so i was told by my LRS that looks nithing like the one i mentioned. They never close up and there mouths are tiny. Ill put some pics up at lunch time.
No problem. Here is a quote about them from an article by Julian Sprung if you're interested:

Amplexidiscus appears like an extremely large Rhodactis, but it is distinguished by some features of its nematocysts. It also grows slightly larger than most Rhodacits spp., with a maximum diameter of approximately 20 inches (50 cm). Amplexidiscus fenestrafer is the only species recognized in the genus, though there may be a second species according to a researcher named Chen (Charles Delbeek, pers. comm.). Amplexidiscus fenestrafer is a piscivore, and it apparently uses an attracting and intoxicating scent to lure fishes into the folds of its oral disc. It slowly closes around the fish until it has trapped it within the sac formed, and then it digests the fish with mesenterial filaments. In the aquarium Amplexidiscus fenestrafer can trap fishes, but it can also be maintained and fed dead fish. Most fish learn to avoid it, but there is always a risk that Amplexidiscus fenestrafer will trap and eat your favorite fish. Reproduction in A. fenestrafer is typically by pedal laceration or budding, but fission is occasional.
What about this one? I have always id'd as Rhodactis


It has grown from about 2 and1/2 inches to over 6 in a couple
of months.