Anthias ID


New member
Dave, I was at the store yesterday, and thought those little Cordova's were gorgeous. What's their scientific name? Would they fare well in a 75? If so, how many in the harem?

so was the cordova name iin honor of your locale?

richard tried to rename me jackson once. he was my boss so i didn't give him any lip. but i did get drunk on the clock with booze bought from the till......ahhhhh video king!
I was wondering where the name came from as well. I got 0 results on Google and couldn't find that name on any of the web stores I look at... so thanks for the "HELP" Richard...
It is my understanding that next week we are expecting some Germantown Clownfish.

hehehe...Video King. Those were the days.
I never moved a "cordova" anthias to the retail tanks at the shop, so I was sure that someone was about to be put on probation.

Since I forgot to do something before I left last night, now there are 2 of us on probation.

Richard if we get fired, can we get unemployment:D

Seriously, have you ever seen that many little Bartlett's at one time.
I want to mix some of the red fin anthias in with them and see if you can "wrangle" them out of the "herd"!

When I set up my 120, it is going to have some anthias for sure. Since I already have had Barletts, the red fins are on the list and probably a fathead!

Enough rambling........back to work.
I got the Memphis Anthias from Kermits the ones with the Spinners!!!!!!! They have to get those from the back!!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7990172#post7990172 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Blindside
I got the Memphis Anthias from Kermits the ones with the Spinners!!!!!!! They have to get those from the back!!!!

Those must be stolen in order for them to be Memphis Anthias.