Any chance for them?


New member
I bought this small frag of eagle eyes, after i glued them onto the rock they were all open for about 3 days then they all look like this, Any ideas what caused it? All Levels seem to be good, I have some palys and button polyps that are doing fine.

Ammonia - 0
Temp 76-78
Salinity 1.025
Ph 8.2

Whats the flow and lighting like?

Anything nearby that may be stinging them at night, etc?

They don't appear to be dying or melting, just not quiet happy.
The flow is moderate, the frag was new so its on the bottom of the thank, as far as the glue goes, they were on a peice of rock that was glued onto a fragplug, i broke the rock off the frag plug and glued that peice to the rock.
they will be fine. most likely my whole tank of zoas did/does this bout once a month then they come back hell ive had some goochers stay closed for 3 weeks now and they just started to open yesterday brighter then ever
My Armor of God zoas do this occasionally, and it seems to happen around digestion. They do this, then the next day I see their polyp poop strings :P I wouldn't worry about it, they will bounce back.