Any chance of 6201 repair?


New member
Hi, Ive ran into a problem with my trusty 6201. I do like the newer ones, I have a 6105 which is great but still would like to save the big boy 6201. Problem is the impellar seems to have play inside the pump. It runs but is weak and vibrates and sets off the alarm easily. The small round part inside the housing that I guess holds the impellar centered has came off. Its a little hollow piece about 1/4" dia. and maybe 1/4" long. The hollow end on the impellar goes over and around it. Any chance of repair or just pump itself replacement? I also have a very old 6100 without problems but it doesnt have this impellar/housing design. Any help would be great... Thanks, Joe
You may just need a new drive unit 6200.700. The 6201 could run with the 6100 drive unit, likely it has the older 6080.600 but you could upgrade it to 6100.700. I would make a test with the drive unit of the 6100 but you need to move over every part of it, including the bearing you describe and the oring that goes under the bearing. If it then works, a new 6200.700 should solve the problem.
I think I figured it out finally. The bearing off the bottom of the impeller is stuck in the pump, I actually thought it was part of the pump and not removable. Im gonna try to get it out now. A new 6201 impeller with this part and oring is available right? I think my driver is ok but we will see.


Think this is my problem... and the inside half of the bearing piece broke off.
Got the piece out. Wasnt the problem, neither was it the driver. The impeller housing is worn out near the outside causing too much play. Pump is shot I guess... My 6100 had no play. It looks like the top 1/2" of the sleeve is seperate from the rest but probably permenantly glued in... idk. If this part of the sleeve can be replaced please let me know. Its black yet the rest of the sleeve is white. Id like to fix this thing rather than replace.
Yes, this bushing, part 3000.620 is replaceable, you will use a screwdriver to pry it out at the two slots at the top. It as well as the bearing and oring are included with the 6200.700 drive unit. I would test it first with the drive unit of your 6100. If it still doesn't work, the problem is likely the motor.
Thanks again for your help. I swapped the "drive unit" and that bushing but still no luck. I guess the motor is shot or maybe the sleeve is out of round, same difference to me. It does work at 100 percent on and off which made me think it wasnt the motor. Are the motors different between the 6100 and 6201? Can I make my 6100 a 6201 by swapping the pucks and bigger propeller head? The boxes are the same... I dont wanna fry the 6100 tho.
Do you have a 6201 or a 6200? The 6200 has an aluminum driver box and round transformer like your 6100, a 6201 has a flat rectangular power supply and the electronics of the driver are built into the pump. The last 6200's from late summer 2007 production occasionally had 6201 stickers on them this was right when they transitioned to the 6201. The motors are different, the bigger pumps had a thicker coil winding to take the increased load. With that said, a 6100 could likely run the bigger propeller for some years if you transferred over the power supply and the driver is a 7240.270, 7240.260 cannot withstand the higher power load.
Good news for me. It has the 6201 sticker but they both have the same driver 7240.270, only differences is the tranformer and prop size. Im running it now on the bigger parts, seems ok.

Thanks Roger!