I run carbon and gfo 24/7 in a 400g mixed reef w/ tangs
What grade of carbon, any tangs, and what's your phosphate level and feeding regimen?
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Both are a waste of money and are not needed. Carbon removes important trace elements and minerals. I add phosphates to my tank ever week so why would I want to then remover it with GFO? Remember the KISS method
Just because you might not have a phosphate problem doesn't mean that others don't.. :hmm4:
One valid way to address elevated phosphates is through the use of GFO.
Carbon also has its uses like removing toxins/yellowing agents,etc... from a tank.
It typically removes organics and does not remove inorganics like trace elements unless those elements are bound to organic molecules.
But yes... KISS is usually a good method to follow so at least you got one thing right![]()
NO, I got all three right. But those do work for some issues. usually poor tank management. I'd rather spend my dollar on stock. :fish1:
No, your bag of carbon becomes a sh*t bag, and our passing all our tank water through it.