Any idea what this is?

D'oh. Picture doesn't really do it justice as the flash wiped out the colour. It's really lime green and about 2 inches long. It was cut from a larger piece perhaps 6-9inches.

wow, that definitely looks like a mutant something! :lol: Mshrooms aren't generally shaped llike that, long. And I don't see a mouth anywhere, or guts hanging out for that matter.

Anychance of getting a closer shot of it?? maybe with out the flash?? either way, a closer pic would be better.

Anyway, though it looks like a mushroom in texture, I have NO idea what it is. :lol:

Hope you get an answer,
I had a mushroom that looked like that. What looks like happened is that another coral fell onto it wounding it. I had a frogspawn fall on mine. When I removed the fogspawn there were 3 pieces of the mushroom on the rock. Now I have 3 mushrooms that have recovered and are huge.
To me it looks like the shroom is "melting" off the rock. I may be wrong but it looks like my yuma that melted into nothing about 2 months ago.