Any interest in an August meeting?

I would love to go unfortunately my day off are weekdays ..Have fun unless I can get a day off (whichever you decide)
if i can get one person to agree on a sunday we will set it up or agree on any day, cept after work thats rough for me via my work is dirty lol and i gotta shower, then by that time im rested and wont move off the couch.... blah blah blah i know but ya dont want me to go stinky n dirty lol
I would like to meet tomorrow at 1 at Fox n Hound need people to show up though or at least say yes we are for me to meet there
How goes the meeting guys?? I would like to join the local reef club sometime in the the near future. Any other upcoming meeting ahead?? Would love to get together with yall to learn more about this addicting hobby and share my experience with other advance hobbyist.