Any local deals on a clean up crew?


New member
Hello everyone, long time not much time for posting here, or reefkeeping in general. My reef is still up, although it's pretty much softies only at this point (lost all my LPS and SPS over the last year and a half).

One issue I am having is that I think I let my clean up crew die off too much, I rarely ever see a hermit crab, and there are maybe 5-6 snails left. Tank is approx 110 gallons (48" x 32" x 18").

So I would like to buy a clean up crew, anyone know of any local places that sell a package for a decent price? I am pretty busy at work and don't want to deal with being home for a shipment.

- Thanks,
Online and have it shipped to your work. reefs2go is a good site for cleanup crews Mike or does bluezoo or any local online stores offer willcall
Bluezoo does offer will call. I've pick up some things in the past. They are moving to a new bigger facility and you might be able to get a deal to help them with their move. Don't know where they're moving to but the current location is by lax near aviation and just north of imperial blvd.
The LFS next door to Tattle Tale Bar, don't remember it's name had trochus snails last time I was there. Hands down the best snails out there and the only ones I buy for my tank.
Blue zoo is cool. Ive got a couple things from them.
During reef-a-pooloza, i met a guy from long beach was selling a bunch of different types of snails/crabs out of his for really cheap. I lost his card though.. Maybe someone on here knows him.