Any of you been shocked by there tank?


I went to pulling something out of the sump last night and felt the tinniest tingle in the tips of my fingers when I would first touch the water. Like the smart person I am I started to dip my hand into the water more and figured out oh yeah, that's electricity. So I started to unplugged things one at a time Hopi g it was something cheap like a heater. No such luck. It was my skimmer pump. Could have been worse, could have been my main pump. Has this ever happened to anyone else??
Electricity + Salt Water ==> What could possibly go wrong ?!

Yeah, I think everyone has been there. Salt water is really corrosive and I think it is inevitable in this hobby you are going to get shocked. Last time I moved my tank, I put it on rubber mat all around my tank to protect me and my hardwood floors. I personally use a Neptune Apex power-bar mounted inside a wooden cabinet with velcro drip loops for the wires. I made sure all the plugs are clean of corrosion.

It seems like common knowledge, but I have seen people in this hobby (including LFS) that have wires and cords going everywhere. It looks like a disaster just waiting to happen.

It is something that is probably overlooked in this hobby and could save you, your tank and possibly even your home so take the proper precautions.

Check out this video which has some helpful tips:


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Yup. Twice, once a cracked heater, second time a bad powerhead. The powerhead was the same thing, a little tingle, the heater was extremely unpleasant.
Yes a GFCI is a great idea mcgyvr ;)... It should always be used with any submerged direct line powered equipment..(heaters/AC pumps,etc...)
These kind of posts wouldn't happen if people were to use one and typically its specified in the manual for your equipment..