Any pics of Orange ricordia with green mouth???


New member
I just picked up a orange ricordia with green mouth.
I have heard they are pretty common but all I seem to find in my LFS's are the green variety.
I would love to see some pics of others so I can know what I can expect to see if it does well.
I will try to snap a shot of mine after it acclimates.
Well ,here are a few shots with different lighting but it still has not blown up much.



Here's an older pic of my orange ricordea with two green mouths. It actually has 3 mouths now. This was taken under actinics.

Very pretty, mine has two mouths right now but is small about quarter size. I am sure when it gets acclimated it will get larger. Any signs of it actually splitting?
From what I've noticed, they sometimes come in waves. Greens will be abundant, but you can't find other colors. Then blues are everywhere. I remember for the longest time I couldn't find blues, expect on www, but not locally.